Orlando Sentinel

Parents' relationsh­ip apparently goes to the puppy


Dear Amy: What do you do if one parent in the family wants a dog (as do all of the children), while the other parent (the one who does 95 percent of the housework) does not?

I am in a 19-year marriage. My husband and I have four children. Our oldest (twins) just left for college.

My husband is now insisting that we get a dog, (a puppy!) for him and our two sons, who are still at home.

Amy, we had a dog for six months, about five years ago. It ran away.

Guess who took care of it, completely? Yes, me.

I do not want this responsibi­lity and the burden of taking care of another dog. I am finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel regarding the amount of housekeepi­ng I do. I also see a future with increasing freedom to go out more and travel as our kids leave the nest.

My husband says he plans to go against my wishes and get a dog, regardless of what I say.

What can I do?

Dear Dogless: Bringing an animal into the home is adding a member to your family. Your household is looking at potentiall­y the next 15 to 20 years of dog care, unless this dog, like your other dog, follows its better instincts and takes off.

How unfortunat­e for your children, that they have a father who conveys such open disrespect toward their mother. And how unfortunat­e for whatever puppy your husband might acquire, which will be brought into the household of an irresponsi­ble owner, and a resentful spouse.

You should talk to your family as a group. Tell them, calmly, "I know you want a puppy, but I don't. Because I am home and would be expected to provide a majority of the dog's care, day in and out, I believe that my wishes should prevail. There are many ways to spend time with a dog if you want to, including volunteeri­ng at the local shelter."

If, after this, your husband brings home a puppy, you should exercise your own freedom to travel. Tell the family that you are going away for a couple of weeks, giving them a chance to learn to take care of the new family member on their own and make a final decision about it. Ask your sons to decide which of them will forego after-school sports and weekend activities in order to take care of the dog. Perhaps they can trade off with your husband.

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