Orlando Sentinel

PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP plans to slash the number of refugees allowed in the U.S. by more than half.

Additional vetting may slow process, drop figure further

- By Brian Bennett brian.bennett@latimes.com

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump plans to slash the number of refugees allowed in the United States by more than half, pressing a longer-term goal of limiting legal immigratio­n and imposing tougher vetting procedures for foreign visitors.

The Trump administra­tion has told Congress it will limit refugee admissions to about 45,000 in the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1. That’s down sharply from the 110,000 cap in President Obama’s last year in office, although only 52,000 were actually admitted because of restrictio­ns put in place after Trump took office.

The new plan would set the lowest cap since the 1980s, after Congress gave the president authority to set a maximum number of immigrants allowed to resettle in the U.S. after being persecuted in their home countries on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, politics and other specified criteria, according to senior U.S. officials.

The State Department informed the Senate and House judiciary committees of the lower limit Wednesday and, after consultati­on with Congress, will put the new cap into effect this week, officials said.

Even at that level, only Germany admits more refugees and migrants than the United States. Germany has borne the brunt of the global refugee crisis, granting full refugee status or other protection to more than 1 million Syrians, Afghans, Iraqis, Eritreans and others since 2015.

The caps set a top limit, and the U.S. does not always reach the cap. The last time the U.S. resettled fewer than 45,000 was 2006, when 41,223 were admitted. The lowest level was in 2002, after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, when only 27,131 refugees were admitted.

Some White House officials, including Stephen Miller, Trump’s top policy adviser and an immigratio­n hawk, had sought to set next year’s cap as low as 15,000.

But State Department officials and military leaders pushed back, arguing that resettling refugees from war zones and religious strife protects vulnerable people from danger and lives up to U.S. commitment­s to allies.

The lower cap comes as administra­tion officials prepare additional vetting procedures that could slow admissions, increasing the backlog and thus further reduce the number of people given refuge.

The new policy seeks to encourage refugees to resettle in their home regions, instead of coming to America, according to a U.S. official who briefed reporters on condition of anonymity. To that end, the Trump administra­tion plans to continue to pledge humanitari­an assistance overseas, the official said.

The lower limit “is consistent with our foreign policy goals and operationa­l capacity in light of additional security vetting procedures we are implementi­ng as well as domestic asylum backlogs,” the official said.

The administra­tion also ended the Central American Minors refugee program that was designed to help children from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras facing persecutio­n at home to be united with family members in the United States.

The Obama administra­tion created the program after a surge of unaccompan­ied children arrived at the U.S. border in 2014 and 2015.

The total refugee limit was set at 85,000 in fiscal 2016, up from 70,000 in the previous three years. The Obama administra­tion raised the cap last year, pledging to resettle 110,000 people, in a push to encourage other countries to do more in the Syrian crisis.

After he took office in January, Trump suspended refugee admissions for 120 days and cut the cap to 50,000. But federal courts allowed authoritie­s to continue admitting refugees who had family in the U.S., and about 52,000 were admitted.

Critics slammed the new cap as insufficie­nt, noting that the United Nations High Commission­er for Refugees estimates about 22.5 million refugees around the world, the largest estimate in U.N. history.

“We are in the world’s biggest refugee crisis in recorded history and this is the lowest number of refugee stories to be admitted since the passage of the refugee act in 1980,” said Mark Hatfield, head of HIAS, a Jewish organizati­on based in Silver Spring, Md. “It is a total abdication of American leadership.”

 ?? PETER FOLEY/EPA-EFE ?? Immigratio­n hawk Stephen Miller had sought to set the cap as low as 15,000.
PETER FOLEY/EPA-EFE Immigratio­n hawk Stephen Miller had sought to set the cap as low as 15,000.

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