Orlando Sentinel

Where we stand:


Florida’s Public Service Commission has put the wishes of power companies above the interests of consumers.

Hurricane Irma’s destructiv­e path through Florida last month left some critical policy decisions facing the commission that regulates the state’s major electricit­y providers. Those decisions, including how much consumers will have to reimburse the utilities for restoring power and repairing damage to the electrical grid, could have a big impact on the budgets of Florida’s families and businesses.

Recent history, recounted in a damning new report from a Tallahasse­e-based government reform group, suggests consumers better hold on to their wallets. The Public Service Commission, governed by five gubernator­ial nominees, has been “captured” by the investor-owned utilities it is charged with regulating, according to Integrity Florida’s report.

A commission spokeswoma­n, speaking to the Miami Herald, insisted its decisions are “made in the public interest.” The report’s main target, Florida Power & Light, dismissed it as an “error-riddled stunt.” But Integrity Florida can cite numerous examples to back up its contention dating back to 2010, when four commission­ers who rejected rate increases from FP&L and Progress Energy (later bought by Duke Energy) were purged by legislator­s or their appointees.

In the years since then, the commission has granted a series of hefty rate hikes for utilities over the objections of groups representi­ng business and retail customers. The commission’s inclinatio­n to yield to utilities has been visible in other decisions, too. In 2014, it granted requests from from FP&L and other investor-owned utilities — Duke Energy, Gulf Power and Tampa Electric Co. — to slash energy efficiency goals by more than 90 percent, and it ended a solar rebate program. In 2013, it allowed Duke to stick consumers with a $3.2 billion bill for costs from its closed Crystal River nuclear plant and another proposed nuclear plant the company canceled in Levy County.

Judging from an appointmen­t he made last month to fill a vacancy on the commission, Gov. Rick Scott isn’t serious about ensuring it is an independen­t and credible watchdog over utilities. The governor’s pick, former GOP legislator Ritch Workman of Melbourne, has a resume that includes driving for Uber, but no particular expertise on utilities — certainly not enough to qualify him as one of the chief regulators of the industry in a state with more than 20 million people.

Workman received thousands of dollars in contributi­ons from the state’s biggest utilities for his campaigns and political committee. And as a House committee chairman in 2014, he killed a proposed constituti­onal amendment, opposed by utilities, to create a property-tax exemption for businesses installing solar panels.

Governors choose their appointees to the commission from a short list provided by a nominating council whose members are chosen by leaders in the Legislatur­e. Utilities wield considerab­le influence over governors and legislator­s, not just through campaign contributi­ons, but also through lobbying.

Integrity Florida suggests legislator­s consider reversing the 1978 decision to move from an elected to appointed commission, and prohibit candidates from accepting campaign contributi­ons from any interests they would regulate if elected. But it’s worth rememberin­g that former Gov. Reubin Askew, a reformer, spearheade­d the switch to an appointed commission to insulate its members from campaign politics.

We prefer a different set of suggestion­s from Integrity Florida: Change the makeup of the nominating council to require a diversity of interests among its members, starting with consumer groups. And cap the number of commission­ers from one political party at three, so the commission is at least bipartisan.

If you’re tired of seeing your interests shortchang­ed by the commission, join us in demanding reform from legislator­s.

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