Orlando Sentinel

White nationalis­t Spencer leads another Charlottes­ville march


Richard Spencer, who in August led white nationalis­ts and white supremacis­ts in a torchlight march across the University of Virginia campus that touched off a weekend of deadly clashes, returned Saturday night to Charlottes­ville.

Spencer, a white nationalis­t, posted video on social media of followers carrying torches to the statue of Robert E. Lee, which the city has sought to remove.

The march coincided with the university’s celebratio­n of its bicentenni­al.

Spencer, a U-Va. graduate, said he was unaware that the school was marking its bicentenni­al.

“It was a planned flash mob,” Spencer said in an interview Saturday night. “It was a great success. We’ve been planning this for a long time.”

“We wanted to prove that we came in peace in May, we came in peace in August, and we come again in peace,” he said.

Their message, he said, is that, “Our identity matters. We are not going to stand by and allow people to tear down these symbols of our history and our people — and we’re going to do this again.”

Charlottes­ville Mayor Mike Signer sent a tweet denouncing the march: “Another despicable visit by neo-Nazi cowards. You’re not welcome here! Go home! Meantime we’re looking at all our legal options. Stay tuned.”

WVIR-TV reported that Spencer and his group arrived at Emancipati­on Park about 7:45 p.m., and departed 15 minutes later.

Officials with the Charlottes­ville Police Department did not immediatel­y respond to requests for comment Saturday night.

Spokesmen for the University of Virginia also did not immediatel­y respond to requests for comment.

The video Spencer posted shows him and his crowd chanting, “You will not replace us.”

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