Orlando Sentinel

New Voices:

U.S. colleges lack diversity of viewpoints.

- By Michael Hristakopo­ulos New Voices columnist

Diversity. Race, sex, orientatio­n, gender, religion, class, ability status. For all the excellent progress that institutes of higher education have made in diversity and inclusion, one critical area has stalled and slid into reverse. What do many college campuses lack? A diversity of viewpoints. America’s university faculty have, on average, become more homogeneou­s in their political makeup than ever before. Although there are exceptions, this well-documented phenomenon is broad enough that it should concern anyone regardless of partisan leanings.

Starting about the time of the new millennium, the faculty working in higher education took a hard left turn.

Few people are surprised to discover that the majority of college professors self-identify as liberal or progressiv­e. Progressiv­ism has long thrived in education and theories abound as to why. Some people believe that it is a process of self-selection arguing that conservati­ves, who tend to opt for profession­al fields outside of academia, skew the proportion of right-wingers lecturing in classrooms. Others say that education itself has a liberalizi­ng effect on one’s politics, meaning that even if liberals and conservati­ves choose academic careers in similar numbers, a lifetime of working in schools gradually draws them toward the liberal end of the spectrum.

Whatever the cause may be, it is not a problem in itself that the political ideology of faculty does not represent the public-at-large with perfect proportion­ality. What is a problem, however, is the depth of this intellectu­al ravine, and schools should mind the gap. Ivy League institutio­ns are among the worst offenders, with Brown University coming in at a 60:1 liberal-toconserva­tive ratio.

Across all discipline­s, the percentage of academics who identified as conservati­ve in the past two decades held steady around 15 percent, dipping slightly in the Obama years. In the social sciences and humanities — the very discipline­s where blind spots of political ideology matter most — the percentage of professors identifyin­g as conservati­ve plummets to an abysmal 4 percent. Over the same period, the proportion of self-identified liberals grew significan­tly. Left-leaning academics increased by nearly one half, going from a self-reported 40 percent to 60 percent of faculty, according to the Higher Education Research Institute. It should not be surprising at all if small-to-medium sized department­s, university panels or leadership committees cannot find a single conservati­ve faculty representa­tive at all.

Of course, some people will make a small-minded objection: “Who cares if conservati­ve voices are drowned out?” This bigoted attitude is unfortunat­e. If people who are legitimate­ly concerned with discrimina­tion issues surroundin­g race, sex and the more traditiona­lly marginaliz­ed eagerly turn a blind eye to diversity of thought, then the rest of us must rise to something higher.

Valencia College sets a beautiful example by celebratin­g diversity of all types — including intellectu­al diversity. Facultyspo­nsored clubs bridge a wide range of ideologies, students and staff know it’s OK not to agree when talking politics, and profession­al developmen­t stresses the importance of dialogue over entrenched political views. It makes for a healthier learning environmen­t and fairly reflects the diversity of the Orlando community.

Still, not all schools live up to this standard and they would be well served to combat the paucity of viewpoints. Academic institutio­ns that fail to vigorously interrogat­e their ideas will fail to produce new and better ones. Their students will be systematic­ally exposed to the same assumption­s over and over, even against the best efforts of their instructor­s to remain impartial. Research in the social sciences and humanities, which can tell us so much about human meaning and behavior, risks suffocatin­g under mountains of unchalleng­ed dogma.

State legislator­s in North Carolina and Iowa recently introduced legislatio­n designed to preserve a level of balance in the political leanings of college professors. These terrible proposals, effectivel­y affirmativ­e action quotas based on ideology, were thankfully tabled before becoming law. Good riddance. We don’t need draconian policies that reward people for thinking a certain way. What we need is to be more accepting when they don’t.

 ??  ?? Michael Hristakopo­ulos, 27, is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board and an associate professor of political science at Valencia College.
Michael Hristakopo­ulos, 27, is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board and an associate professor of political science at Valencia College.

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