Orlando Sentinel

GOP leaders reach agreement on taxes

Critics: Most savings will go to businesses, wealthy

- By Lisa Mascaro

WASHINGTON — Republican leaders on Wednesday agreed on a revised tax plan that would lower the corporate rate from 35 percent to 21 percent and drop the top individual rate for the richest Americans to 37 percent, according to GOP senators and others briefed on the deal.

The tentative accord marked a significan­t step in the GOP push to have a tax bill on President Donald Trump’s desk by Christmas. Leaders did not release the details of the compromise or text of a final bill as negotiatio­ns continued.

“It’s critically important for Congress to quickly pass these historic tax cuts,” Trump said Wednesday, promising Americans could begin to reap the benefits of the plan as early as February, if passed.

Critics, however, said the latest changes — particular­ly the lowering of the top individual rate from the current 39.6 percent — reaffirmed several independen­t analyses that show the bulk of the savings from the GOP plan will go to businesses and the wealthy.

“How’s it going to help the middle class?’’ asked Sen. Chuck Schumer, the Democratic leader in the Senate.

Even some Republican­s privately said such a change was risky since Trump and GOP leaders have tried to portray their sweeping plan as aimed at ordi-

nary Americans. One GOP senator called it a “bad idea.”

Still, Republican­s were determined to push the proposal forward for votes, scheduled next week, as they rush to achieve a year-end accomplish­ment.

House and Senate lawmakers met Wednesday on a conference committee to combine the bills from their two chambers, even though the agreement had been reached ahead of time.

“They’re grasping for a political life-preserver,” said Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas, a top Democrat on the Ways and Means Committee.

The last-minute reduction in the top individual rate was added to appeal to GOP donors and upper-income households — key Republican constituen­cies that had complained they might end up paying higher taxes in the earlier versions. The income level for that top rate is also expected to be increased from the current level, but a final figure was not released.

The original House plan retained the current 39.6 percent top rate while the Senate version lowered it to 38.5 percent. The change drew sharp criticism from Democrats. “They’re still raising taxes on middle-class families,” said Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., a member of the committee.

Earlier versions would have lowered the corporate rate to 20 percent, a foundation of the GOP plan. But in reconcilin­g the plans, leaders decided to nudge up the corporate rate in order to pay for benefits elsewhere, including the lower top rate. The 1 percentage point increase will provide an extra $100 billion over 10 years.

The new 21 percent corporate rate would take effect starting in 2018, rather than 2019 as in the Senate plan, and appeared to have support from conservati­ve groups.

Due to Senate rules, the entire package cannot add more than $1.5 trillion to the deficit over 10 years, forcing GOP negotiator­s to scramble to make trade-offs to stay under that cap.

Among other compromise­s, the final bill will allow mortgage interest deductions on loans up to $750,000 and deductions for state and local income or property taxes up to $10,000, according to those briefed on the plan.

Though the plan would increase the standard deduction for couples to $24,000, the caps on mortgage and state tax deductions would have a significan­t impact in high-cost states such as California, New York and New Jersey. It may not win back some Republican lawmakers from those states who opposed limiting the write-offs.

The plan will also include the Senate provision that will repeal the Obamacare requiremen­t that Americans buy health insurance.

And it will include a measure to open a portion of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas drilling, a provision important to Sen. Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska.

Regarding so-called passthroug­h entities, which include small businesses but also hedge funds and real estate ventures such as those held by Trump, negotiator­s agreed to allow them to deduct 20 percent of their income before paying taxes based on the individual rate.

That’s lower than the 23 percent income deduction that had been negotiated by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., in exchange for his support. But he said Wednesday he was “encouraged” by the deal.

The final measure will repeal the so-called alternativ­e minimum tax for businesses but retain it for individual­s, albeit with a higher income threshold.

Sources said GOP leaders felt confident they had enough agreement from House and Senate Republican­s to push the revisions forward.

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