Orlando Sentinel

Wreck could be last U.S. slave ship

Clotilda was set on fire after delivering captive Africans

- By Matt Pearce

Daylight faded quickly as Ben Raines’ 22-foot boat, the Auriculatu­s, slid through the chilly waters of the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta.

Normally, Jan. 2 would be a bad day for boating. It was 25 degrees in lower Alabama, thanks to the “bomb cyclone” weather system that sent temperatur­es plummeting across much of the country.

But the conditions were perfect for Raines, a reporter for AL.com and a local nature guide.

Water levels in the delta were more than 2 feet lower than normal, exposing the riverbanks “like peeling back a blanket over everything” — and revealing the wooden starboard of what appeared to be a 19th century ship sticking out of the mud, where Raines expected to find it.

Experts said the wreckage may be the Clotilda, the last known ship to bring slaves to the United States.

In 1860, long after Congress made it illegal to import slaves, a crew used the ship to haul 110 men, women and children from West Africa into Alabama. Then, after the human cargo was unloaded, they secretly set it on fire.

But the story of the lost Clotilda — sometimes spelled “Clotilde” — would only grow, giving scholars one of their most detailed looks into the lives of Africans who were brought to the U.S. to live in bondage.

“We know exactly who was on it. The names of all the slaves that were on it, the captives who were on it, were all recorded,” Raines said in an interview last week after publishing news of his discovery at AL.com.

“It is the only group of people brought into the country through slavery where we know exactly where they were brought in, where they were taken from in Africa, and where they ended up in the United States.”

The ban on importing slaves was passed by Congress in 1807.

But five decades later, some Southerner­s hoped for return of the internatio­nal slave trade.

Historical accounts say an Alabama plantation owner named Timothy Meaher bet he could sneak a ship full of slaves into the United States and enlisted shipwright William Foster to help him. Foster had built the Clotilda as a cargo ship, then quietly refitted it as a jail for hauling slaves.

In 1860, the Clotilda and its crew traveled to what is now Benin, loaded 110 Africans and returned to Alabama in secrecy.

After the captives were unloaded from the ship, Foster set the Clotilda ablaze to cover his tracks, though the ship’s remains were reportedly visible for decades afterward.

The Africans were enslaved, then freed five years later at the end of the Civil War. They formed a community called Africatown on the outskirts of Mobile that still exists today.

The story of their journey spread over the decades, attracting the attention of luminaries like Booker T. Washington and Zora Neale Hurston, who interviewe­d the last survivor of the group of slaves, Cujdo Lewis, who would die in 1935.

The experience became a valuable piece of history.

“When people owned slaves, it’s not like journalist­s were going around interviewi­ng slaves,” said historian Sylviane Diouf, who wrote a definitive account of the saga in her 2007 book, “Dreams of Africa in Alabama: The Slave Ship Clotilda and the Story of the Last Africans Brought to America.”

“The fact they arrived so late, and they were free five years later — that was what enabled them to be interviewe­d and for other people to go and see them.”

As explorers failed to find the wreckage of the Clotilda, the tale of the ship became a local legend.

“Everybody knows the story around here,” said 47-year-old Raines, who decided to start searching for the ship in September at the suggestion of a friend.

Raines, also a filmmaker whose work has appeared on Discovery Channel and National Geographic TV, has documented an ancient cypress forest 60 feet below water in the Gulf of Mexico, and he sometimes takes sightseers and fishermen into the river delta.

He gathered clues from Diouf’s book and from historical records, but the definitive clue came from some old-fashioned shoeleathe­r reporting.

“I called around to oldtimers and asked if they knew where the ship was,” since it was supposedly visible in the early 1900s, Raines said. “One of them gave me a location.”

“My daddy and his friends would say, ‘That’s the Clotilda,’ ” he said the man told him.

Once the year’s lowest tides came in January and the winds of the “bomb cyclone” blew more of the river’s water out to sea, Raines boated out to the site with a friend — and there they found the wood of a schooner sticking out of the mud “like a dinosaur backbone.”

Raines returned with a shipwright, and, later, with John Bratten and Greg Cook, professors in the anthropolo­gy department at the University of West Florida who have studied Southern shipwreck sites.

The experts cautioned the ship needs to be positively identified, but they said the features of the ship match the style of schooners from the Clotilda’s era — and the wreckage showed signs of being set on fire.

“There was evidence that the timbers had been burned in some areas that we could see,” Cook said.

“The location is in a very good spot for this wreck,” Bratten said. “The dimensions are good.”

The researcher­s must now get permission from the Alabama Historical Commission and possibly other agencies to excavate the site to see what’s buried beneath the mud.

“However, such an endeavor requires both funding and planning so any question will take time to resolve,” the commission said in a statement.

Raines’ story excited one of the most famous descendant­s of the Clotilda’s captured passengers: Roots drummer Ahmir Thompson, best known to millions of fans as Questlove, who recently discovered his ties to the ship on PBS’ “Finding Your Roots” with Henry Gates.

“My Great Great Great Grandfathe­r was one of the 110!” Questlove tweeted at Raines.

Diouf, the scholar, also intrigued.

“For me, it would be extremely moving to actually see this wreck — if it’s that,” Diouf said. “That would be really the only slave ship that would be related to the story of people. … There were other slave ships that have been found, but we don’t necessaril­y know the stories.”

Raines, who was initially excited by the discovery, has grown more somber about the significan­ce of the wreckage.

“The last time I went to the ship, I went alone, and I was just sort of sitting there next to it, and staring at it, and I had this profound feeling of ‘wow,’ what this means for so many people,” Raines said, recalling the terror the passengers must have felt being taken from their home to slavery in Alabama in the belly of the ship. “What a harrowing thing, in every way, to think about.” was

 ?? BEN RAINES/AL.COM ?? Shown are the remains that could be the Clotilda, the last slave ship said to have delivered captive Africans to the U.S..
BEN RAINES/AL.COM Shown are the remains that could be the Clotilda, the last slave ship said to have delivered captive Africans to the U.S..

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