Orlando Sentinel

Study: Drink up — but only 1 per day if you want longer life

- By Mike Stobbe

NEW YORK — Here’s some sobering news: A large internatio­nal study says adults should average no more than one alcoholic drink per day, and that means drinking guidelines in many nations may be far too loose. The study found that people who down more than seven drinks a week can expect to die sooner than those who drink less.

“What this is saying is, if you’re really concerned about your longevity, don’t have more than a drink a day,” said David Jernigan, a Johns Hopkins University alcohol researcher who was not involved in the study.

While the U.S. government recommends no more than seven drinks a week for women, the recommenda­tion for men is 14 drinks.

That’s because earlier studies found women are hit by the effects of alcohol at lower amounts than men for several reasons, including women weigh less than men on average and blood alcohol concentrat­ions rise faster.

The new study estimates that 40-year-old men who drink as much as the current U.S. guidelines allow can expect to live one to two years fewer than men who have no more than seven drinks per week.

Canada and Sweden have guidelines similar to those in the U.S. set by the Department of Agricultur­e. Some countries have much higher ceilings. Spain and Romania set the upper limit for men at the equivalent of 20 drinks each week, for example.

British guidelines were like the U.S. standards until two years ago, when U.K. health officials brought the recommenda­tion for men down to the level for women.

The study “is a serious wake-up call for many countries,” Jeremy Pearson of the British Heart Foundation said in a statement. The group partly funded the study, which was published last week by the Lancet journal. The research combined results from 83 studies conducted in 19 countries, tracking nearly 600,000 people who drank alcohol. The researcher­s focused on who developed — and died from — stroke and different forms of heart disease. They made a point of excluding people who had a known history of heart problems at the time they had entered a study.

About half the participan­ts said they had more than 100 grams of alcohol a week. There’s variation from country to country as to how many grams of alcohol are generally found in a standard drink. In Britain, that’s about six pints of beer a week. But in the U.S., 100 grams is equivalent to what’s in seven 12-ounce cans of beer, 5-ounce glasses of wine, or 1.5-ounce shots of rum, gin or other distilled spirits.

The researcher­s found a higher risk of stroke, heart failure and other problems in that group of heavier drinkers. That may partly reflect that alcohol can elevate blood pressure and alter cholestero­l levels, the researcher­s said.

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