Orlando Sentinel

Goren on Bridge

- With Bob Jones

QUESTION 1: Neither vulnerable, as South, you hold: ♠ KQ965 ♥ A1072 ♦ 4 ♣ A53 NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST 1♦ Pass 1♠ Pass 2♣ Pass ? What call would you make?

A: A two-heart bid would be “fourth-suit forcing”, a game force not promising hearts. It’s still the right bid! Partner can complete the descriptio­n of his hand and you’ll be in a good position at your next turn.

Q 2: North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold: ♠ 106 ♥ KJ10752 ♦ KJ42 ♣ 3 Partner opens one diamond and right-hand opponent bids one spade. What call would you make?

A: Your ability to support diamonds makes this hand well worth a free bid at the two level. Bid two hearts.

Q3: East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold: ♠ A6 ♥ AJ5 ♦ QJ543 ♣ K52 Partner opens one diamond and right-hand opponent passes. What call would you make?

A: Many players don’t have a way to make a game forcing raise of partner’s minor. Those who play “inverted minors” can bid two diamonds forcing. Others must bid three no-trump, hiding five-card support. Ugh!

Q 4: Both vulnerable, as South, you hold: ♠ 1096 ♥ A75 ♦ 10965 ♣ Q76 WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH 1♥ 2♣ 2♥ ? What call would you make?

A: You can’t risk selling out at the two level when you have reasonable support for partner. Bid three clubs.

Q5: North-South vulnerable, as South, you hold: ♠ J64 ♥ 109853 ♦ J2 ♣ 1072 Partner opens two no-trump, 20-21, and right-hand opponent passes. What call would you make?

A: This hand might be worthless in a no-trump contract but is likely to be worth at least two tricks in a heart contract. Bid three diamonds, transferri­ng to hearts.

Q6: East-West vulnerable, as South, you hold: ♠ AJ5 ♥ KQ10654 ♦ K7 ♣ AJ Right-hand opponent opens two diamonds, weak. What call would you make?

A: A jump to three hearts would be intermedia­te, roughly 14-16 with a six-card suit. This hand is too good for that. Double and bid hearts at your next turn.

Bob Jones welcomes readers’ responses sent in care of this newspaper or to Tribune Content Agency, LLC., 16650 Westgrove Dr., Suite 175, Addison, TX 75001. Email responses may be sent to tcaeditors@tribune.com. © 2018 Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

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