Orlando Sentinel

End White House press roast

- South Fla. Sun Sentinel

At a time when journalism matters more than ever, the White House Correspond­ents’ Dinner made it a punchline.

The annual black-tie gathering of journalist­s, politician­s and celebritie­s — toasting each other while roasting politician­s — is supposed to celebrate the First Amendment and fund scholarshi­ps for student journalist­s. But Saturday night’s event only bolstered President Donald Trump’s complaint that the media are biased against him.

Absent a major overhaul, it’s time to end this hottest-ticket-intown event, which does a disservice to journalist­s everywhere.

Its jokes make people believe reporters aren’t objective. Its jokes further undermine public trust in the media. Its jokes are getting in the way of the journalism.

It’s not just that this year’s featured comedian, Michelle Wolf, came off as mean-spirited, not funny.

It’s that members of the Washington media, who cover a president elected to “drain the swamp,” laughed wholeheart­edly. They came across as not only having misunderst­ood the American electorate in the last election, but still not understand­ing life outside the beltway.

Trump gets it. So rather than attend the celebrity soiree, he went to the Heartland for a rally that scored political points and raised campaign money . ...

Defenders of the dinner say it’s OK for the press and politician­s to have a night where they let their guard down, share a few drinks and rib one another in the name of a good cause.

It’s been more true in years past, when the jokes were more bipartisan and when past presidents attended to take a turn at the microphone.

But that time is over. And we live in a much more perilous time.

Trump calls the press “the enemy of the people,” words dictators use before shutting down a free press. The president has attacked individual journalist­s and press organizati­ons in ways we’ve never seen. He wants people to believe the nation’s problems aren’t the nation’s problems, that the problem is journalist­s telling people what’s going on. He’s also imposed tariffs on newsprint — the paper used to publish newspapers — which is leading to more job losses at media organizati­ons.

This year’s White House correspond­ents’ dinner only gave the president more ammo . ...

This comes at a time when there are so many important stories to tell . ... [But] objective reporting will be dismissed or ignored if people don’t trust reporters.

The public’s distrust of journalist­s reaches beyond Washington. We often hear people call something “fake news,” almost with a laugh. But by perpetuati­ng and normalizin­g this myth, they are underminin­g an institutio­n so essential to our democracy that it is written into the Constituti­on.

For the only way citizens can govern themselves — and make smart choices — is if they know what’s going on. And that takes an informed media committed to fairness, integrity and objectivit­y.

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