Orlando Sentinel

Orlando-area experts weigh in on 7 weight-loss mistakes that may slow you down

- By Katie Parsons Correspond­ent

If you’re trying to lose weight and find the scale isn’t cooperatin­g, you may be surprised at what can stall your efforts. Three Orlando area experts share the most common mistakes they see people make in trying to lose weight — and their best advice for avoiding them.

1. Too many liquid calories

From that first cup of coffee in the morning to a glass of wine before bed — and every can of soda, glass of iced tea or bottle of sports drink in between — all of it adds to the daily calorie count. Counting calories in food but not in beverages can deter weight loss and even prevent it.

“People severely underestim­ate the impact of liquid calories. They may cut out soda but not realize the calories in lemonade, juice and sports drinks,” said Lisa Cooper, a registered dietician with Orlando Health.

Even low-calorie drinks like coffee can do some damage on a daily calorie count. “Coffee creamer is a big culprit. People just pour to reach a certain color and do not measure out the suggested serving size, which is only two tablespoon­s,” Cooper said.

Instead: Stick with mostly water, adding in sports drinks only when exercising. Drink coffee black or add the suggested serving size of creamer only. Avoid soda, alcohol and sweet tea when trying to lose weight.

2. Skipping meals

Eating too few calories, or skipping meals altogether, can impede weight loss and lead to binge eating later on.

“People often think that less is always more with weight loss, but not eating enough calories can have a negative effect,” said Jaime Mass, a registered dietician and nutritioni­st serving South Florida. “Skipping meals leads to low blood sugar and can lead to excessive overeating when you finally do eat something, as well as intense cravings. In addition, skipping meals is not helpful to metabolic health.”

Instead: Eat consistent­ly throughout the day, starting with a protein-rich breakfast,

and keep healthy options on hand to grab when hunger strikes.

3. Lack of portion control

Even good foods are bad when more than an allotted serving is eaten. Most Americans eat more than the suggested serving size, Cooper said, and create plates based on feel or look instead of careful measuremen­t.

“People don’t realize what a portion is, and it is usually smaller than you would think,” she said. “We hear people complain when a restaurant serves portions that are too small but it is probably how we should be eating.”

Instead: Read labels and look up portion size suggestion­s for fruits and vegetables before partaking.

4. Eating out too much

Many restaurant­s tout their healthy, low-calorie options for patrons, but eating out will almost always add more calories to the daily total than food prepared at home. “When you eat out, you make it harder on yourself to meet a calorie goal,” said Lauren Popeck, a registered dietitian at Orlando Health. “Even a salad at a restaurant can have 1,000 calories or more in a serving.”

Seemingly healthy options like steamed vegetables are often prepared with more butter and salt than a dieter would add at home, too. “If you know you want to lose weight, eating out will hinder that,” Popeck said.

If you do eat out, there are a few steps to take to help keep it from hurting your weight loss goals. Most restaurant­s make nutrition informatio­n available on websites, so search for the dishes that align with the calorie and fat consumptio­n you are trying to stay within for the day before you go. Watch surroundin­g meals too, saving higher calorie and higher fat options for the meal that you eat out.

Instead: Prepare more meals and snacks at home. When you do eat out, avoid making decisions on the spot. Plan what you will eat and what modificati­ons you might need in advance.

5. Failing to plan

One of the biggest deterrents to successful­ly losing weight is what Cooper calls the “empty fridge” concept. “When people grocery shop inconsiste­ntly or do not have the right foods on hand, they end up going out to eat or grabbing fast food, which is easily 1,000 calories per meal,” she said. “Not having the items right there, or allowing the proper meal prep time, really makes it hard to stick with a healthy plan.”

Instead: Plan every meal and snack for the week in advance and create a shopping list with all items needed to make the meal plan happen.

6. Relying on exercise alone

Working out can speed up weight loss, but the main driver of change is calorie reduction. Following a 30-minute workout with a doughnut reward can cancel out the hard work that happened. Exercise should be a permanent lifestyle addition, too.

Instead: Combine healthy eating with moderate exercise and plan to maintain those habits after weight loss is achieved.

7. Following fad diets

The best, most sustainabl­e path to weight loss that sticks is longterm lifestyle changes. Fad diets, or those that cut out a lot of things for a short time, may produce immediate results but are hard to maintain.

“When we make too many changes too quickly, they can often feel incredibly restrictiv­e and lead to overeating things that we have marked as a ‘bad foods.’ Eliminatin­g too many things at once can be overwhelmi­ng, psychologi­cally,” Mass said.

Popeck said she sees clients who attain the weight loss they want with drastic fad diets, then return a few months later, back where they started or on the path to regaining the weight. “That all or nothing mentality can be too much and even lead to binging behavior afterwards,” she said.

Instead: Speak with a registered dietitian or nutritioni­st to come up with a plan to lose weight in a controlled, sustainabl­e way.

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