Orlando Sentinel

Fill in the blanks to defend your choice for governor

- By Ben Friedman

As Tuesday’s primary results were rolling in, I knew that many residents of Central Florida would struggle to find the best way to advocate for their candidates moving forward, so I put together this helpful “create your own response” system for the general election. Simply select one option from each parentheti­cal and voila! You’ve got a well-crafted political stance, ready to be deployed on social media and at your family’s dinner table. The

nominee for governor is (terrible / fantastic), as expected. The stakes could not be higher in this race.

Under Rick Scott, we have had eight years of

in Florida, and we need to make sure that we can

with the next governor.

The people of Florida now have a choice between two candidates: one who will bring our state forward, and another who will drag us down. I will be voting for _______ because

knows what it takes to lead our state, and will be more than just a

We need to focus on the issues that matter, like supporting education through

protecting the safety of all Floridians by

and keeping all Floridians healthy by


We need elected officials who will

and be unafraid to take on the special interests. This is more than party politics; this is about the long-term future of our state and nation.

Voting is more than a civic duty; it is the last line of defense against the wing nuts in this state. You may think this is funny, but I take it seriously, and I will be doing my part to make sure that Florida

this November. Some people say politics has gotten too predictabl­e, that all the candidates use the same poll-tested lines to sway independen­ts without ever having to substantiv­ely engage on the issues. That may be true for some, but I study all the issues and come to my own informed decisions. So this year, I hope you’ll take a long, hard look at the issues, and go into the voting booth informed, unlike those

types. I’m _______, and I approve this message.

 ??  ?? Ben Friedman
Ben Friedman

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