Orlando Sentinel

Adaptation is faithful to a fault

- By Katie Walsh

“Little Women,” Louisa May Alcott’s tale of sisterhood and hardship, is a much beloved story female filmmakers have embraced often over the years. Director Gillian Armstrong and screenwrit­er Robin Swicord adapted the book memorably in 1994, and Oscarnomin­ated director Greta Gerwig announced her next project will be her take on “Little Women.” There must be something in the ether, because there’s yet another version of “Little Women” being released, written and directed by Clare Niederprue­m.

Distribute­d by faithbased movie purveyor Pureflix, this version is so far the only adaptation (there’s also a 2017 miniseries) set in the present day, and while it seems like a fun idea to update the trials and travails of the March sisters, dragging the story into the 21st century shows just how of its era “Little Women” truly is.

That’s one of the most indelible moments of the fiery Jo March, played here with vim and vigor by Sarah Davenport. Watching Jo intellectu­ally tussle with men and boss around her younger sisters, all in the name of her individual­ity and dedication to the creative life as a writer, you can’t help but realize, in the harsh light of modernity, that Jo truly is a toxic individual. Or at least this Jo is a self-aggrandizi­ng bully who makes you wonder why anyone can stand to be around her. The sisters don’t have much of a choice, but the men do — neighbor Laurie (Lucas Grabeel), and Freddy Bhaer (Ian Bohen), the editor of Jo’s misbegotte­n young adult fantasy novel that she essentiall­y forces him to read.

This “Little Women” adaptation is faithful to a fault, which results in a very strange world where this group of five present-day women depends on men for their social lives and careers. The film dutifully replicates story beats from the novel, and as such, brings Civil War-era gender politics to the story of five unruly and highly educated women. They might talk about cellphones and Google, but there’s something distinctly retrograde about the way the women function in the world, needing Laurie as an escort in the social world, or older male editors as gatekeeper­s for Jo’s creative outlet.

Lea Thompson plays the warm and wise Marmee, and she’s lovely in the role. All the performers are suitably allocated to their personae, though as Jo, Davenport steamrolls everyone else on screen. No one can get in a word edgewise around her, which is supposed to be charming and enchanting but is instead grating and unnecessar­y.

To update the story of a group of women in 19th century Massachuse­tts struggling to get by while the man of the house is away at war, the whole thing needs an overhaul, taking into account the women’s movement and the cultural shifts in class, labor and communitie­s that make our world so very different from mid-19th century Massachuse­tts. Does Marmee even have a job? Those contextual cultural shifts have a huge impact on the story beats of “Little Women,” which is very much of its time, and this adaptation completely bungles the update.

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