Orlando Sentinel

Amendments, odd postage questions and fake news

- Scott Maxwell Sentinel Columnist

We have a lot to cover today, including voter turnout, pricey travel and questions from readers on the confusing slate of amendments. But first, a fake-news alert. Some Florida voters received an e-blast Tuesday that featured “Columnist Scott Maxwell’s” take on the amendments. Now, I don’t buy everything that blowhard has to say. But I wanted to read the piece.

Unfortunat­ely, the email reprinted the top of a column I wrote, but then lopped off the entire body — and then jumped to “VOTE ‘NO’ ON ALL” ... words I never wrote. (I said I was voting yes on 4, 12 and 13. Definitely 4.)

This piece, from an obviously untrustwor­thy group called “Save Our Constituti­on,” was malarkey. More reason to trust actual news sources ... not cyber-junk.

Stamp of confusion

A number of readers have asked about an election-year oddity: How much postage do you need to put on a mail-in ballot?

The answer: 71 cents. Or nothing. This one’s confusing. Some counties, such as Orange, don’t ask voters to pay postage. Supervisor Bill Cowles decided his office would pay the cost.

Others, such as Seminole, ask voters to pay — 71 cents this year because the ballot is so thick, thanks to amendments that run as long as the Magna Carta.

Seminole’s Mike Ertel says his office doesn’t pay postage for the same reason “we don’t pay for gasoline for voters to come to the polling precincts or for your lunch break to vote.”

But here’s the catch: All ballots will be delivered regardless, since

elections offices have accounts with the Postal Service to cover any postage shortfalls.

Blue wave?

More than 1 million Floridians have already cast ballots. And once again, more Republican­s have done so than Democrats … even though there are more Democrats in the state and more Democrats requested early ballots.

Money flies

Did you catch reporter

Kevin Spear’s piece on the chairman of Orlando Internatio­nal airport’s board racking up $100,000 in travel expenses?

Among Frank Kruppenbac­her’s explanatio­ns for why he, as a political appointee, needed to travel to so many foreign countries was that airline executives don’t like to waste their time talking to peons

… like the governor of Florida.

Said Kruppenbac­her: “Having been in meetings with the mayor, without the mayor, with the governor, without the governor, I can tell you that I have a number of the executives at the top level and the presidents of the airline say, ‘We want to talk to you. You’re not the politician.’ ”

That’d be a heckuva line for Kruppenbac­her to put on his next applicatio­n for a gubernator­ial appointmen­t.

Amendment mania

The recent column breaking down the amendments [“Florida amendments: When to vote yes, when to say no”] prompted an avalanche of responses from readers. Most were just grateful to have these things transcribe­d from Pig Latin into plain English. But several readers had thoughts and questions:

Thank you for your analysis. I am well educated but … I find the language used is often intentiona­lly misleading and downright obtuse. Can you start a petition that bans the bundling of unrelated topics in constituti­onal amendments? I’ll be the first to sign! Kristy

Kristy, your objections are widely shared. If you want to support better death benefits for first responders, you shouldn’t have to also endorse rewriting the voting procedures for community college boards of trustees. This is mainly on the governor, Speaker of the House and Senate president who appoint members of the Constituti­on Revision Commission.

Scott, I too do not like the mixed amendments. I feel the politician­s are doing their best to pull a fast one. So when in doubt I vote NO! Lou

I hear ya, Lou. I often tell people: You sign for your ballot. Would you ever sign a contract you didn’t understand?

I’m still torn about Amendment 9 (banning oil-drilling and e-cigarette vaping). Obviously, these two should not be bundled into one amendment. But the League of Women Voters said that a defeat of this amendment sends a message that Florida doesn’t care about drilling. Your thoughts? Alan

Alan, I decided to keep my votes consistent in principle — that if I was opposing bundling for one, I’d oppose it for all. But I

can certainly respect people voting for 9 because of concerns about tar balls on Siesta Key.

Scott, I appreciate you sharing how you’re going to vote, because now I know exactly how NOT to vote. Bob

And Bob, I appreciate your decision to do the opposite of everything I say. I now say I hope you have a great day.

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