Orlando Sentinel

Tomatoes, sweet potatoes, corn are warm-season veggies


residentia­l lawns, available as Dylox, seems to give good control. It is available as Dylox granules or the Bayer 24 Hour Grub Control Plus at local garden centers and pest control stores. For effective and safe control follow the label carefully.

I am looking for short day onion plants. Where are they available?

Onions for fall planting are on the way and should be available at independen­t garden centers shortly. Florida grows a special type of onion that forms bulbs under the shorter days of spring. Some varieties include Granex, Grano, Pumba and Texas Sweet that may be available as seeds or transplant­s. If you cannot find the transplant­s or seedlings, try growing your own from seeds, but again, be selective as they must be labeled a short day variety.

We sodded our lawn with Bahia about two months ago, and we are seeing yellowing in spots. After two months, should we apply fertilizer?

Feeding time is normally over this late in the season for Bahiagrass. The cooler weather and shorter days cause slower growth and the beginning of dormancy for this turf. Since this is a new lawn, it is likely running out of nutrients due to frequent watering during establishm­ent. In this case, you could apply a light feeding of a lawn fertilizer or an iron only product to try and regreen the grass a bit as it heads into the cooler months. The next scheduled feeding time is March.

A friend gave me several clippings from a plumeria tree. Can I plant them in a container and then put them in the ground in the spring?

You have a great idea, as winter can be quite brutal for plumerias, also called frangipani­s. You have a month or two to get them rooted before they go dormant for the winter. Stick the bottom few inches of each cutting into a container filled with potting soil. Only limited watering is needed until the plants start to grow. Keep them in a warm, sunny spot to encourage the rooting. Wait until you see good spring growth before adding them to the landscape.

Grass clippings are being returned to our lawn. Does the cut grass cause problems when left on the lawn and won’t the blades wash into our sewers or waterways?

Diehard rakers and baggers seem to have a difficult time giving up this old tradition. But if the grass is mown often enough, there should only be a benefit from returning the cut blades to the turf. Reportedly, the equivalent of one feeding a year can be obtained from the decomposin­g grass residues when left on the lawn.

Mowing should be performed at least once a week during the warmer weather to remove no more than one-third of the leaf blade. If you skipped a mowing, then it is advisable to rake or bag the clumps of clippings and add them to a compost pile. Be a good steward of the environmen­t, and when you mow, blow or sweep the clippings off the street and sidewalks back onto the lawn so it does not wash into gutters and retention ponds.

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