Orlando Sentinel

Writer wrong: Civil War wasn’t just about slavery

- By Reed Lannom

In her Aug. 11 column (“Confederat­e statue foes must be enlisted to craft ‘context’ for its display”), Lauren Ritchie recently asked readers to provide “context” that the Civil War was all about slavery, in order to fully explain a Confederat­e statue slated for a museum in Lake County.

Putting aside the political and economic causes of the Civil

War, when assessing the men themselves, the personal motivation­s of most who did the fighting on either side, had nothing to do with slavery. The truth is most Southern soldiers (80% owned no slaves) would have considered themselves to be fighting to defend their homes; just as most Union soldiers were motivated to defend the Union. It seems prepostero­us that very many of them were thinking “We must keep the slaves!” or “We must free the slaves! As they charged into a hail of cannon and musket fire.

Here are a few points that prove the Civil War was not all about slavery:

■ Lincoln’s proclamati­on calling for an invasion of the South on April 15, 1861, was for two stated reasons: collection of federal tariffs and protecting federal forts. Lincoln said nothing about slavery either then or in his First Inaugural Address on March 4, 1861, other than he endorsed the Corwin Amendment guaranteei­ng slavery forever.

■ The four “Upper South” states (Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas and Tennessee) rejected repeated overtures from the Confederac­y to join the Confederat­e States of America. The Virginia Legislatur­e had rejected secession as recently as April 4 by a two-to-one margin. Likewise, Tennessee, North Carolina and Arkansas each had rejected secession that winter. They only joined the CSA after Lincoln’s call for 75,000 volunteers to invade the seven “Deep South” states.

The “Upper South” refused Lincoln’s demand that they contribute soldiers, resources and safe passage for the federal army to invade the “Deep South.” The “Upper South” refused to invade their Southern brethren.

■ The “Upper South” did not believe the federal government had a right to invade a sovereign state. They believed that states’ rights, state sovereignt­y and “consent of the governed” preempted central federal government authority. They believed the U.S. Constituti­on was a voluntary union compact that gave them the right to recall their delegated powers to the central government and voluntaril­y leave the Union of States.

■ In Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas and Tennessee lived 52.4% of white Southerner­s, according to the 1860 census. Which means a majority of Southerner­s in power in 1861 (at that time, just as in the South, most Northern states did not allow black freedmen the right to vote) seceded over the central federal government’s stated objective to invade the “Deep South”; and, thereby violate the U.S. Constituti­on as a voluntary union compact.

■ The “Upper South” states, the majority of white Southerner­s, did not secede over slavery. The “Upper South” states fought for “consent of the governed”; and, “state sovereignt­y” as a full partner in an equal co-ordinate state/federal government enshrined in a voluntary union compact as was originally conceived by the Founding Fathers, according to the Federalist Papers and several states’ ratificati­ons of the Constituti­on.

■ And, all total, seven of the 11 sovereign Southern states constituti­ng the CSA and the majority of its population, said nothing in any of their secession documents (whether it be their ordinances, legislativ­e acts or resolution­s) about slavery provoking their secession from the Union.

Slavery was a primary cause of the Civil War. But in a context quite different than assigning exclusive blame for slavery on the South.

Historian Allan Nevins, a professor at Columbia not known as a Neo-Confederat­e, said the North and the South were equally responsibl­e (as Lincoln said they were at Hampton Roads Conference) for not facing the conjoined problems of “ending slavery and race-adjustment.”

There was a massive financial commitment of compensate­d emancipati­on, education and job training for slaves by both the North and South, which was crucial to alleviate 200-plus years of slavery. In the absence of Northern and Southern leaders’ being willing to shoulder that burden and, the North refusing to allow blacks to move North if they desired — leaving the entire massive burden for the South to sort out — the North and South descended inexorably into the much costlier maelstrom of the Civil War.

Reed Lannom of Winter Park is an author and historian.

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