Orlando Sentinel

Consider Category 6 for strong hurricanes

- By Richard S. Olson

If you live in a hurricane-prone area, you probably know about the five-category SaffirSimp­son Hurricane Wind Scale. It defines Atlantic Basin hurricanes on the basis of sustained wind speeds at a hurricane’s core and likely damage levels.

Category 1 ranges from 74 to 95 miles per hour; Category 2 is 96-110 mph, Category 3 (which starts the “major hurricane” range) is 111-129 mph; and Category 4 runs from 130-156 mph.

The problem is Category 5, which is set at 157 mph or higher. Category 5 has no upper limit and scientists and the media calling a storm a “strong” Category 5 really doesn’t communicat­e much, at least to the public.

Where does “strong” begin and, more important, where does it end? And then what?

The idea of a Category 6 has already seen some discussion in scientific circles, including by The Weather Channel, but it’s time for the scientific community, in cooperatio­n with the media, to lead a much broader public discussion. To help trigger this discussion, what if Category 5 storms were capped at 179 mph and Category 6 storms set as 180 mph or higher?

The historical record actually bears out creating a Category 6. The “Great Labor Day Hurricane” in 1935 reached 185 mph when it hit the Florida Keys, and in 1980 Hurricane Allen hit 190 mph sustained. Later, Mitch (1998), Rita (2005) and Irma (2017) reached 180 mph. Gilbert (1988) and Wilma (2005) reached 185 mph, as did this year’s Dorian.

The point is that we already have had Cat 6 storms. Then, should the need arise for a Category 7, Category 6 storms could be capped at 199 mph, with Category 7 starting at 200 mph.

Let’s hope that isn’t necessary, although in 2015 Hurricane Patricia off the west coast of Mexico hit an astounding 215 mph before rapidly weakening against the interior mountains.

While not common, we will likely see those higher wind speeds more often, so as difficult as it is to say, we have to begin to prepare — physically, operationa­lly and psychologi­cally — for “Cat 6s.”

One solution to the category-numbering problem would be to take a page from the earth science community’s complicate­d saga of attempts in the 19th and 20th centuries to define levels of “felt and observed” earthquake effects on the built environmen­t.

The eventual result was the “Modified Mercalli Intensity” (MMI) scale (not to be confused with earthquake magnitudes, which measure an event’s energy release at its point of origin deep in the Earth).

Currently, the U.S. Geological Survey employs a 10-category MMI scale. That scale uses Roman numerals, with “I” indicating “not felt,” but “X” indicating widespread masonry building collapses and even buildings designed to be earthquake­resistant showing “moderate to severe damage.”

With the MMI scale as a template, the hurricane solution would be a Modified Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale with, for now, six categories. The implicatio­ns are, of course, enormous, from building codes and assuring post-impact critical facilities to emergency management.

The scientific community, hurricane experts in particular, already worry that the emphasis on wind speeds tends to distract attention from the statistica­lly more dangerous components of hurricanes: storm surge and flooding.

This is a very real concern. In 2012 Hurricane Sandy did enormous damage to New York and New Jersey especially from storm surge and flooding, even though it made landfall as a post-tropical cyclone with Cat 1 winds.

So, let us start a robust Cat 6 and “Modified Saffir-Simpson” conversati­on now. The 2019 hurricane season officially came to an end on Nov. 30 — and the next season will be only six months away.

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