Orlando Sentinel

Harris ends 2020 presidenti­al bid

- By Kathleen Ronayne and Nicholas Riccardi

Sen. Kamala Harris told supporters Tuesday that she was ending her campaign, citing weak fundraisin­g.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Sen. Kamala Harris told supporters Tuesday that she was ending her bid for the 2020 Democratic presidenti­al nomination.

“I’ve taken stock and looked at this from every angle, and over the last few days have come to one of the hardest decisions of my life,” the California Democrat said. “My campaign for president simply doesn’t have the financial resources we need to continue.”

A senior campaign aide said Harris made the decision Monday after discussing the path forward with family and other top officials over the Thanksgivi­ng holiday.

Her withdrawal marked a dramatic fall for a candidate who showed extraordin­ary promise.

Harris launched her campaign in front of 20,000 people on a chilly January day in Oakland, California. The first woman and first black attorney general and U.S. senator in California’s history, she was widely viewed as a candidate poised to excite the multiracia­l coalition of voters that sent Barack Obama to the White House.

Her departure erodes the diversity of the Democratic field, which is dominated at the moment by a top tier that is white and mostly male.

“She was an important voice in the race, out before others who raised less and were less electable. It’s a loss not to have her voice in the race,” said Aimee Allison, who leads She the People, a group that promotes women of color.

Harris ultimately could not craft a message that resonated with voters or secure the money to continue her run.

She raised $12 million in the first three months of her campaign and quickly locked down major endorsemen­ts meant to show her dominance in her home state, which offers the biggest delegate haul in the Democratic primary contest.

But as the field grew, Harris’s fundraisin­g remained flat; she was unable to attract the type of attention being showered on Pete Buttigieg by traditiona­l donors or the grassroots firepower that drove tens of millions of dollars to Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

In her note to supporters, Harris lamented the role of money in politics and, without naming them, took a shot at billionair­es Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg, who are funding their presidenti­al bids.

“I’m not a billionair­e,” she said. “I can’t fund my own campaign. And as the campaign has gone on, it’s become harder and harder to raise the money we need to compete.”

Harris suffered from what allies and critics viewed as an inconsiste­nt pitch to voters. Her slogan “For the People” referenced her career as a prosecutor, a record that was viewed skepticall­y by the party’s most progressiv­e voters.

Through the summer, she focused on pocketbook issues and her “3 a.m. agenda,” a message that never seemed to resonate with voters. By the fall, she had returned to her courtroom roots with the refrain that “justice is on the ballot,” both a cry for economic and social justice as well as her call that she could “prosecute the case” against a “criminal” president.

Michael Kraut, a Los Angeles defense attorney and member of Harris’s finance team, said Harris suffered early on from too many people telling her what to do.

“When she is truly being who she is, she soars,” he said before Harris withdrew from the race. “When she’s listening to everybody talk in her ear she doesn’t so much soar.”

Stumbles, often of the campaign’s making, continued to dog Harris into the fall, stymieing her ability to capitalize on solid moments.

Harris and her aides believe she faced an uphill battle from the start as a woman of color. Her stump speech included a line about what Harris called the “donkey in the room,” a reference to the thought that Americans wouldn’t elect a woman of color.

 ?? SAUL LOEB/GETTY-AFP ?? California Sen. Kamala Harris ended her bid Monday amid disappoint­ing fundraisin­g and campaign turmoil.
SAUL LOEB/GETTY-AFP California Sen. Kamala Harris ended her bid Monday amid disappoint­ing fundraisin­g and campaign turmoil.

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