Orlando Sentinel

Why are NASA astro-crats still waiting for a taxi?

- By D. Dowd Muska

America, you’ve spent more than $100 billion to design, build and operate the Internatio­nal Space Station. And come autumn, the orbital outpost might not have a single American on board.

That’s the harsh truth offered by the U.S. Government Accountabi­lity Office, which recently warned that “the NASA presence on the ISS is set to drop to … none by October 2020 if a Commercial Crew Program contractor is not able to begin flying.”

While NASA has relied on contractor­s to deliver cargo to the ISS for more than seven years, the firms that secured successful bids to transport astronauts are experienci­ng serious “schedule slippage.” Let’s examine why.

A decade and a half ago, George W. Bush’s administra­tion establishe­d NASA’s Commercial Crew and Cargo Program. The shuttle was to be phased out — a long-overdue mercy killing for a legendaril­y underperfo­rming, hideously expensive vehicle with safety issues. But no replacemen­t spacecraft was available. Four years earlier, the VentureSta­r, a single-stage-to-orbit concept that supporters claimed would finally deliver on the shuttle’s initial promise of thrifty, regular service, got the budget ax — after burning through more than a billion dollars and failing to get a prototype to the launchpad.

Washington wasn’t about to abandon the ISS, and Russia’s Soyuz system could provide rides — for a while, and at an alwaysrisi­ng price. But to its credit, NASA did not waste more time and revenue on another costplus, Big Aerospace “solution.” Its new approach, congressio­nal auditors explained, was “to facilitate

HOME DELIVERY RATES the private demonstrat­ion of safe, reliable and costeffect­ive transporta­tion services to low-Earth orbit.”

The “change in philosophy for how (NASA) planned to service the space station” amounted to “encouragin­g innovation in the private sector with the eventual goal of having the government buy commercial transporta­tion services.”

NASA’s fresh strategy, the GAO wrote, involved “a significan­tly lower amount of government investment as compared to the agency’s prior human spacefligh­t developmen­t efforts.” The goal was to “leverage private sector financial investment­s” and “benefit from commercial market forces.”

Innovation? Market forces? The bipartisan cabal of fedpols who protect the nation’s aerospace behemoths and their addiction to no-accountabi­lity subsidies was not pleased. When the Obama White House embraced, and enhanced, the Bushera proposal for competitio­n in orbital taxis, incumbency and greed struck back.

With U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) gleefully performing attack-dog duties, the firms seeking a shot at astronaut-transporta­tion contracts were publicly belittled. And much of the funding NASA requested for grants to develop their new hardware was denied.

In its 2012 annual report, NASA’s Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel warned that from the start, the project was “funded at levels far below what would be expected for a traditiona­l program.”

NASA’s experiment with competitiv­ely bid orbital taxis is behind schedule — it is not a failure. If taxpayers must be made to support manned spacefligh­t, they deserve a good deal.

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