Orlando Sentinel

Weary, divided Israel heads to polls

- By Josef Federman

After two inconclusi­ve elections in 2019, Prime Minister Netanyahu seeks reelection, despite problems.

JERUSALEM — For the third time in under a year, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is seeking reelection, and once again the Israeli leader is on the ropes.

After two inconclusi­ve elections last year, opinion polls forecast another stalemate — a troubling scenario for Netanyahu, who will go on trial on corruption charges two weeks after Monday’s vote.

This election campaign has been especially tumultuous. President Donald Trump launched his longawaite­d Mideast plan, a proposal that heavily favored Israel and was seen as an election gift to Netanyahu. The Israeli leader, meanwhile, was forced to drop his bid for immunity from prosecutio­n, and late last month, Israel battled Gaza militants in a two-day round of fighting.

Monday’s election is seen as another referendum on Netanyahu, the country’s longest serving prime minister. And once again, the country seems hopelessly divided.

With seeming boundless energy, Netanyahu, 70, has taken to the airwaves and hit the campaign trail, presenting himself to adoring audiences as a global statesman uniquely qualified to lead the country through its many complicate­d challenges. In recent weeks, he jetted from the White House to Moscow to bring home a young Israeli woman jailed there on drug charges, and flew to Uganda for a surprise meeting with a leader of Sudan, a longtime enemy country.

“We have turned Israel into a world power,” Netanyahu boasted at a recent campaign stop.

He claims credit for a strong economy and boasts of his close relationsh­ips with world leaders, first and foremost Trump, while deriding opponent Benny Gantz as a lightweigh­t. In a message that has drawn accusation­s of racism, he also accuses Gantz of plotting with Arab lawmakers to oust him. In recent days, Netanyahu and his Likud surrogates spread unfounded allegation­s claiming his opponent is corrupt, unstable and susceptibl­e to blackmail by Iran.

“Being prime minister of Israel is a complicate­d thing, full of pressures 24 hours a day,” Netanyahu added. “I don’t think Benny Gantz can handle it.”

Gantz, a former military chief of staff, has focused his campaign on Netanyahu’s character, saying a man accused of serious crimes is unfit to lead. He has painted Netanyahu as an out-oftouch egomaniac obsessed with remaining in power and escaping justice, while portraying himself as a moderate alternativ­e to the polarizing prime minister.

“Netanyahu, look me in the eye. Because of your obsession with evading trial, you’re lying, attacking, dividing, mudslingin­g, spreading malicious rumors and inciting. Netanyahu, you’re poisoning Israel,” Gantz said last week. “You’ve lost it, and you’re unworthy of being prime minister for even a single day longer.”

Weekend polls, the last to be published before the vote, showed Gantz’s Blue and White and Netanyahu’s Likud party in a tight race, though Gantz’s party has shown some small signs of slippage over the past week. Even so, the polls forecast both parties and their smaller partners will again fall short of securing the 61-seat majority in parliament required to form a government.

The easiest way out of the deadlock would be a unity government between the two parties, which together are expected to control a solid majority in the 120-seat parliament.

But Gantz says he will only form a partnershi­p with Likud if Netanyahu steps down. Netanyahu insists he remain prime minister in any unity deal.

The deadlock has raised the possibilit­y of a fourth election in quick succession.

 ?? MENAHEM KAHANA/GETTY-AFP ?? Images of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, center, Justice Minister Amir Ohana, left, and Education Minister Rafi Peretz are seen on a billboard Sunday.
MENAHEM KAHANA/GETTY-AFP Images of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, center, Justice Minister Amir Ohana, left, and Education Minister Rafi Peretz are seen on a billboard Sunday.

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