Orlando Sentinel

Survey: Use of antidepres­sant, anti-anxiety medication­s rising

- By Bethany Ao

To cope with mental health conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic, people are increasing­ly turning to prescripti­on drugs like antidepres­sants and benzodiaze­pines, which are commonly used as anti-anxiety medication­s.

A report released last month by Express Scripts, a pharmacy benefit management program, found that the use of prescripti­on drugs to treat mental health conditions increased more than 20% between midFebruar­y and mid-March, peaking the week of March 15, when the World Health Organizati­on declared COVID-19 a pandemic. During that same time frame, prescripti­ons for anti-anxiety medication­s rose 34%, while prescripti­ons for antidepres­sants increased by 18%. Of the prescripti­ons filled during that time, more than threequart­ers were new prescripti­ons.

Prior to the pandemic, prescripti­ons for antianxiet­y medication­s decreased 12% between 2015 and 2019, the report found.

“We’re using antidepres­sants more and more to treat both anxiety and depression,” said Michael Liebowitz, a professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University.

But he said the recent spike in anti-anxiety medication­s is likely due to the fact that “traditiona­l anxiety medication­s have the advantage of being quickactin­g, unlike antidepres­sants, which can take six to 10 weeks to begin working.”

Liebowitz, like many mental health experts, anticipate­d the pandemic would have a significan­t impact on mental health.

He called the pandemic “a huge added stress factor,” saying that it has made coping incredibly difficult for people vulnerable to anxiety and depression.

“The two things human beings crave are control and certainty,” said Ann Rosen Spector, a psychologi­st based in Philadelph­ia.

“Whenever you have a loss of control or a great deal of uncertaint­y, anxiety is likely to increase. The pandemic is like that on steroids.”

Spector said her practice has “never been busier.” Many of her patients have increased the number of therapy sessions a week, and a handful of new patients have contacted her. Some of her patients who had stopped therapy because they were doing better have returned.

“Clearly, people are taking more substances to control their anxiety,” she said. “We know that alcohol usage is up, marijuana usage is up. But I’m trying to tell patients to try a variety of other things to see if they can get their anxiety in control before taking a pill for it.”

Liebowitz expects this increase in anxiety and depression to last a while because of the uncertaint­y with which people have to deal. But the rising number of prescripti­ons for antianxiet­y medication­s and antidepres­sants doesn’t worry him.

“I’d much rather have people get treated than they don’t,” he said. “And this is going to go on for a couple years. It’s not going to disappear in a month.”

Liebowitz hopes the pandemic will spur better treatments for mental health conditions.

“In the last few years, there’s been a renewed interest in mental health treatments,” Liebowitz said. “I hope that this will accelerate all of that because there is going to be a huge need for mental health treatments.”

For those experienci­ng anxiety, Spector recommende­d trying meditation or deep breathing, and taking breaks from the news. She also said seeing friends over video chat or exercising for 20 minutes may help people relax. If anxious feelings persist, therapists are profession­ally trained to equip people with tools that can help them control their anxiety.

“If you’ve done all of that, then I tell people, ‘Take the pill if you’re still anxious,’ ” Spector said. “But doing something to distract from your anxiety will cause it to reduce at some point.”

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? The use of prescripti­ons to treat mental health issues rose more than 20% between midFebruar­y and mid-March.
DREAMSTIME The use of prescripti­ons to treat mental health issues rose more than 20% between midFebruar­y and mid-March.

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