Orlando Sentinel

Morales, Truenow and Stile for Lake County state House districts


Lake County will choose representa­tives for two state House seats, both of which feature Democrats trying to score wins in one of the most deeply red counties in Florida.

Both of the districts — 31 and 32 — have huge Republican registrati­on majorities. Voters will pick their parties’ candidates on Aug. 18 ahead of the general election this fall.

The Sentinel’s Editorial Board asked all seven candidates in these two primary races to attend an interview via video conference. Five sat in; two did not. These endorsemen­ts are based partly on those interviews, as well as a review of the candidates’ positions on issues and their qualificat­ions.

Here are our endorsemen­ts in those races: use, something Sabatini has supported as well.

Morales has thought through other issues as well, from the environmen­t to affordable housing to LGBTQ equality. Unlike too many other candidates, his campaign website is less about vague, treacly statements of belief and more about specific policy priorities. In other words, he hasn’t dumbed down the policy side of his campaign. That’s refreshing.

Morales’ Democratic primary opponents are Linda Kero of Leesburg and Stephanie Dukes.

Kero, who has lived in Florida full time only since 2017, needs to work on her policy positions. For example, she said private schools that accept vouchers are linked to systemic racism. Say what you will about the state’s flawed support of voucher schools, they are very popular with African American families.

Dukes was invited to our interview but didn’t respond to any of our multiple efforts to reach her. That’s not a good sign when it comes to constituen­t responsive­ness. We tried learning more from her website, but it’s a mess.

Democrats would do well to support Morales in this primary. the next state representa­tive.

We wish Republican­s had a better choice than the two in the race: Keith Truenow of Mount Dora and Stevan Novakovic of Sorrento.

Truenow didn’t show up for his interview, and his website offers little insight on his policy positions. It’s basically seven, one-sentence checkmarks saying he supports the Trump/DeSantis plans to reopen the economy, loves the Second Amendment and wants to protect the unborn. Is it asking too much for candidates to express some depth of thought about their beliefs, or articulate specific policies they would advocate if elected?

Novakovic took our questions but his answers were at times defensive while other times revealing policy positions that were paper thin, notably on his priorities of protecting natural resources. His answers to questions about gun laws became defensive.

At least Truenow, who owns a sod farm, has an understand­ing through experience of the value of agricultur­e to Florida and how to run a business. For that, Republican voters in this district should vote for Truenow in a race where they deserve better.

This winner of this primary, between Crissy Stile of Mount Dora and Debra Kaplan of Eustis, has a steep mountain to climb to beat the Republican nominee.

We think Stile is the better candidate. She owns a bookstore in Mount Dora, where she also serves as a member of the City Council. Stile said she got into the race because of the pandemic, specifical­ly, what she sees as a lack of communicat­ion between Lake’s Tallahasse­e representa­tives the public. She promises to be a better communicat­or.

Stile’s experience on a city council gives her an advantage over her opponent, Kaplan, whose activism in liberal causes is unlikely to appeal to very many voters in District 31. There’s some evidence of that in her 2018 run against Sullivan, with Kaplan pulling in just 39% of the vote.

Stile strikes a more moderate tone that’s more representa­tive of the people who live in this region.

Stile is the better of the two candidates to represent Democrats in the general election.

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