Orlando Sentinel

Kamala Harris is the future, so Pence may well be history

- Frank Bruni

Already, I am dreaming of the debate.

There’s Mike Pence, white of hair as well as cheek, his demeanor more starched than his dress shirt, his smile so tight it’s the twin of a grimace. He represents more than the Trump administra­tion, God help him. He represents an America that’s half memory, half myth.

And there’s Kamala Harris — younger, blacker and more buoyant. She’s only the fourth woman on the presidenti­al ticket of one of the country’s two major political parties and she’s the first woman of color. She represents an America that’s evolving, fitfully, toward equal opportunit­y and equal justice.

Under her gaze, Pence has to defend a racist, sexist president. As he watches helplessly, Harris gets to talk about how that racism and sexism feel to a Black woman like her. This isn’t any ordinary clash of perspectiv­es and philosophi­es. It’s an extraordin­ary collision of life experience­s.

And that’s exactly what Joe Biden wants. Throughout his campaign, Biden has defined himself as the opposite of President Donald Trump in experience and earnestnes­s and as the antidote to Trump in how he sees America and what he values about it. He has used his choice of a running mate to hammer home that last bit.

Harris is a distinguis­hed public servant with a résumé — U.S. senator from California, state attorney general — unquestion­ably suited to this opportunit­y, which she has earned. She is also an agent of contrast, emphasizin­g the difference between the Republican ticket and the Democratic one, between Trump’s politics of division and Biden’s politics of inclusion.

But even as she affirms Biden’s orientatio­n toward the future, she reflects his appreciati­on of his own past. She enables him, for a second time, to be part of a presidenti­al ticket that sets a precedent and blazes a trail. It’s almost as if he’s trying to recreate the establishe­d magic, to repurpose the victorious script.

Twelve years ago, he was the running mate of the first Black nominee of one of the country’s two major parties, Barack Obama, who then became the country’s first Black president. Harris would be the country’s first Black vice president, its first Asian American vice president and its first female vice president, in excellent position to be the country’s first female president down the line. Having a hand in that no doubt excited Biden.

In selecting her, he echoed Obama’s selection of him. Obama and Biden competed against each other in the 2008 Democratic primary, and Obama had to forgive Biden for insulting him by saying that he was a rare “clean” and “articulate” African American candidate.

In selecting Harris, Biden had to forgive her attacks during a Democratic primary debate for his past alliances with segregatio­nists and his opposition to busing to integrate public schools. He and his aides considered that a cheap shot. They clearly got over it.

Choosing any of the Black women on Biden’s list of prospectiv­e running mates would have sent the kind of signal that Harris’ selection does. Choosing any of them would have recognized how crucial Black voters were to the success of Biden’s primary campaign and how crucial they’ll be in the general election. Choosing any of them would have been a fitting response to the country’s current soul-searching about its racism.

So why Harris and not Susan Rice, Karen Bass, Val Demings, Keisha Lance Bottoms or Stacey Abrams? Because Biden obviously believes the polls that give him a significan­t lead over Trump and wants above all to protect it. Harris is the safest of the bunch.

And because of Harris’ high-profile participat­ion in the Democratic primary, her life has been more thoroughly hashed over than is the case with those other contenders. She has liabilitie­s, including a record from her long career as a prosecutor that many progressiv­es deplore, but those have been out in the open for a while now.

No sooner had her selection leaked than several Democratic operatives emailed me to say, anxiously, “I hope she’s better in the general election than she was in the primary!” She certainly flopped then. But Biden flopped as miserably in the 2008 primary, and that didn’t scare off Obama.

She brings to that ticket some of the balance that presidenti­al candidates typically want their running mates to bring. Biden is 77. She’s 55. Biden is East Coast. She’s West Coast. Biden is a white guy, like all but four of the major-party presidenti­al or vice-presidenti­al nominees before Harris. She’s not.

And oh, can she be fierce. That’s what Biden learned in that primary debate, cheap shot or no cheap shot. That’s what Brett Kavanaugh and William Barr learned when they appeared before Senate committees and endured her grilling.

That’s what I hope and trust Pence will learn on Oct. 7, where the sole vice-presidenti­al debate is scheduled to take place. A man who reputedly doesn’t like to eat alone with any woman other than his wife — it looks weird and is a recipe for trouble — will face off against a woman who’s big trouble indeed. I suspect she’ll have him for breakfast.

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