Orlando Sentinel

SUMMERTIME BLUES For such a small fruit, the blueberry is one of the season’s culinary giants

- By Gretchen McKay

Surely there are blueberrie­s on your kitchen counter or inside your fridge just waiting to be turned into something fantastic.

Summer’s favorite fruit is available in spades this time of year. And whether we’re tickling them off bushes in our backyards or piling them into our shopping cart or basket at the market, they can be used so many different ways in so many dishes.

Native to North America, blueberrie­s were first cultivated for sale in 1916. They’ve been insanely popular ever since. Growers in more than a dozen states produced more than 680 million pounds in 2019, up from 518 million in 2017 and 102 million in 1980, according to the USDA.

Washington state is now the nation’s leader, followed closely by Oregon, Georgia, Michigan, California and New Jersey, where the fine, sandy and acidic soil in the Pine Barrens pairs with a hot, humid climate to create perfect berry-growing conditions.

It’s pretty easy to find blueberrie­s all year at the grocery store, although they might not always be competitiv­ely priced (they come from South America in cooler months).

But there’s something that just feels, well, special about eating and cooking with berries that have grown nearby and arrive at the market within hours or days of being picked.

Fresh or frozen, juicy and sweet, blueberrie­s pack a nutritious punch. One cup provides 25% of your daily vitamin C requiremen­t and 3.6 grams of fiber — at just 80 calories.

Even better, they have one of the highest antioxidan­t levels of all common fruits and veggies because they’re so rich in polyphenol­s, a compound that’s thought to protect against various diseases and keep us healthy. Even the American Heart Associatio­n is a fan, certifying the blueberrie­s as a “heart-healthy” food.

When buying blueberrie­s, color is a better sign of maturity than size. Those green or barely purple berries don’t ripen once they’re picked, so look for fruit that is deep-purple or purple-black. Definitely avoid berries that have shriveled up or look mushy or soft.

While they need to go in the fridge once you get home (they’ll stay fresh for up to a week, and yes, it’s OK to keep them in their original container), don’t wash them until right before you eat or cook with them. The added moisture will decrease their shelf life.

Because they’re so delicate, blueberrie­s should be dipped into a bowl of water to clean instead of rinsed under the faucet. If you decide to freeze them, make sure they’re completely dry before putting them in a freezer bag or container so they don’t stick together. Or freeze them first on a cookie sheet.

Blueberrie­s can play a starring role in so many recipes, and we’re not just talking sweet, dessert- and breakfast-type dishes like muffins, scones, pancakes, cobblers, pies, cakes, jams and preserves.

Blueberrie­s add punch and a pop of color to veggie and chicken-topped salads and rice bowls, and they make that postworkou­t smoothie both nutritious and kind to the body because the anthocyani­ns that make them blue help reduce muscle pain and inflammati­on.

They also can brighten cocktails, be stuffed along with chicken and feta into a wrap, and stand in for chopped vegetables and/or pepperoni or sausage on a cheesy flatbread or pizza.

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