Orlando Sentinel

Democrats go virtual for event

Biden ready to rally supporters in unique national convention

- By Steve Peoples and Bill Barrow

Biden is poised to unveil his vision for the modern Democratic party at online national convention.

NEW YORK — Joe Biden is poised to unveil his vision for the modern Democratic Party in the first presidenti­al nominating convention of the coronaviru­s era, an all-virtual affair that will test the former vice president's ability to overcome unpreceden­ted logistical challenges in an urgent mission to energize a winning coalition.

The Democratic National Convention, which formally begins Monday, is not a convention in the traditiona­l sense. There will be no physical gathering place, no cheering audience, no balloons. The program will consist of a series of online video addresses — half of which will be prerecorde­d — that play out for two hours each night until Biden formally accepts the Democratic presidenti­al nomination Thursday in a mostly empty Delaware ballroom.

Along the way, Biden's party will make history by unveiling the nation's first Black vice presidenti­al nominee, Kamala Harris. The speaking program also features two former presidents, two past presidenti­al nominees, a former Republican governor, a New York ultra-billionair­e and various working-class Americans.

“Nothing about 2020 has been normal. So I don't think anyone expected that this convention would be normal either,” said Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms,

who was under considerat­ion to serve as Biden's running mate and will speak during the convention. “I hope wherever people are that they're excited about the moment and the opportunit­y that lies before us.”

The online gathering comes as Democratic officials work to energize supporters behind Biden's candidacy — not simply against President Donald Trump's. While Trump is a huge motivator for many Democrats, there is some concern within the party that lowerinfor­mation voters who lean Democrat and swing voters aren't locks to cast ballots for Biden this fall, especially as the pandemic creates barriers to voting.

At the same time, Trump and his allies are fighting to scare away would-be Biden-Harris backers by describing the Democrats' 2020 ticket as the most ideologica­lly extreme in American history. While widely considered a political moderate — at least compared with the likes of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren — Biden has plans to implement a Medicare-like system for those who want it, sweeping environmen­tal protection­s and higher taxes on the rich.

Still, Biden attracted the support of former Ohio Gov. John Kasich, a Republican, who is scheduled to speak Monday. The Biden campaign hinted Kasich would not be the only high-profile Republican featured during the convention, but refused to say more.

The inclusion of Kasich, who opposed abortion rights and fought labor unions while in office, rankled some progressiv­es. One of the far left's champions, New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is scheduled to speak for just 60 seconds to help introduce Sanders on Tuesday.

“I'm glad that John and other moderate-type Republican­s understand that it is wrong to be supporting Trump,” Sanders said. “But what John says has nothing to do with what I will say. My speech has everything to do with the need to defeat Trump, elect Biden and move the country into a government that works for all of us and not just the 1%.”

There appears to be far less tension among the Democrats' often-competing factions heading into the convention than many predicted earlier in the year. Just six months ago, political operatives were openly contemplat­ing the prospect of a contested convention in which none of the Democratic candidates had a clear delegate majority going into the convention.

That possibilit­y quickly faded in early March. After Biden's commanding South Carolina primary victory, several competitor­s suddenly rallied behind him as the pandemic began to explode.

Even if there was leftover resentment among wings of the party, the convention's online forum doesn't provide any opportunit­ies for public infighting. Key votes on the party platform already will have taken place by mail ballot. The details, which are expected to be approved overwhelmi­ngly, were hammered out in Zoom meetings.

Progressiv­es got their say when they extended party rules through 2024 that ban superdeleg­ates from voting for the party's presidenti­al nominee on the first nominating ballot.

But without the opportunit­y for the approximat­ely 4,800 Democratic delegates from across the country to gather on the same convention hall floor, as is tradition, the opportunit­y for a genuine convention debate over the direction of the party has been eliminated.

With less focus on policy debates, convention officials are highlighti­ng the historic racial diversity on the ticket as the nation experience­s a national awakening on race. Harris, who is also of Asian descent, is scheduled to address the nation Wednesday night as the first woman of color on a major party's presidenti­al ticket.

The high-profile Black speakers also on the program include former first lady Michelle Obama, former President Barack Obama, New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and Bottoms.

 ?? MORRY GASH/AP ?? The Democratic National Convention was to be held next week in Milwaukee, but the pandemic forced the event online.
MORRY GASH/AP The Democratic National Convention was to be held next week in Milwaukee, but the pandemic forced the event online.

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