Orlando Sentinel

Considerin­g the next Trump

- By Jamelle Bouie

Most Americans want Donald Trump out of sight and out of mind after he leaves office Wednesday. Most Americans except Republican­s, that is.

In every recent poll on Trump, Republican­s stand apart. Ask whether Trump should remain a “major national figure for years to come,” as the Pew Research Center did in a survey taken just after the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, and 68% of Americans say no, whereas 57% of Republican­s say yes.

Of course, the reason the Republican rank and file doesn’t think Trump should slink away is because they think he won the election. Among his voters, 75% say he received enough votes in enough states to claim victory. It’s no surprise, then, that most Republican officehold­ers are sticking with the president and that the most loyal among them hope to harness the pro-Trump energy of the base for their own personal ambitions.

This dynamic is part of what spurred Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley to amplify the lie that the election was tainted. It’s what kept Mike Pence from turning on the president that made him the target of a deadly mob, and it’s what led Mike Pompeo to turn on his former administra­tion colleague Nikki Haley, for criticizin­g Trump’s rhetoric since the election.

Each of them (to say nothing of the party’s other presidenti­al contenders) all hope to be, in one way or another, the next Trump. The problem for each of them is that this may be impossible.

In 2015 and 2016, Donald Trump wasn’t just an unconventi­onal politician with a direct appeal to the prejudiced attitudes of the Republican base, and he wasn’t just a fixture of conservati­ve media and entertainm­ent. He was a bona fide celebrity and household name, with 30 years on the public stage as the embodiment of wealth and luxury. And for more than 10 of those years, he was star of “The Apprentice,” a popular reality television series in which he played the most successful businessma­n in America.

This wasn’t a dour or self-serious performanc­e. Trump wasn’t Ebenezer Scrooge.

He was a winking, cheerful vulgarian who knew the show was an act and played along with the viewers. From his cameos on the big screen in films like “Home Alone 2” to his parodic appearance­s in profession­al wrestling, he was affable, even charming.

It’s hard to overstate how important this was for Trump’s first campaign. If modern American politics is entertainm­ent as much as civics, then Trump was its star performer. And his audience, his supporters, could join in the performanc­e. This is crucial. Trump could say whatever they wanted to hear, and they could take it in as part of the act, something — as one sympatheti­c observer wrote — to be taken seriously, not literally. Words that might have doomed any other Republican candidate, and which have in the past, meant nothing to the strength of Trump’s campaign.

When he finally ran against Hillary Clinton, celebrity helped him appeal to those voters who hated politician­s — who sat at the margins of politics, if they participat­ed at all — but could get behind an irreverent figure like Trump. Did he lie? Sure. But the shamelessn­ess of his lies, and his indifferen­ce to decorum, was its own kind of truth.

Since the 1990s, the Republican Party has struggled to win a majority of voters nationwide in a presidenti­al election. They’ve done it exactly once, in 2004, with the reelection of George W. Bush. Trump’s path to victory — a minority-vote Electoral College win with high turnout in rural and exurban areas — may be the only one the party has left.

The big question is whether it took a Trump to make 2016 happen in the first place. Given the Republican Party’s struggle to build a national majority, was he the only candidate that could pull off a win? And if so, was his celebrity the X factor that made it possible? The fact that Republican­s lost when Trump was not on the ballot is evidence in favor of the case.

If celebrity is what it takes, then there’s no Republican politician who can carry Trump’s mantle. No one with his or her hat obviously in the ring — neither Cruz nor Hawley, neither Tom Cotton nor Haley — has the juice. There are the Trump children, of course. But the Trump name doesn’t actually stand for success, and there’s no evidence yet that any of them can make the leap to winning votes for themselves.

Perhaps the next Trump, if there is one, will be another celebrity. Someone with a powerful and compelling persona, who traffics in fear and anger and hate. Someone who “triggers the libs” and puts on a show. Someone who already has an audience, who speaks for the Republican base as much as he speaks to them. Republican voters have already put a Fox News viewer into the White House. From there it’s just a short step to electing an actual Fox News personalit­y.

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