Orlando Sentinel

Who’s radical now? The case of minimum wages

- Paul Krugman Krugman is a columnist for The New York Times.

Most Americans, myself included, will be deeply relieved when Joe Biden is finally sworn in as president. But almost everyone has a sense of foreboding, not just because of the specific threat of right-wing terrorism, but also because Biden will take office in a political environmen­t polluted by lies.

Most important, of course, is the Big Lie: the claim, based on nothing whatsoever, that the election was stolen. Has there been anything in U.S. history like the demand from leading Republican­s that Biden pursue “unity” when they won’t even say publicly that he won fairly? And polls showing that a large majority of rankand-file Republican­s believe that there was major election fraud are deeply scary.

But not far behind in importance is what I think of as the Slightly Smaller Lie — the almost universal insistence on the right that the mildly center-left leaders of the incoming administra­tion and Congress are, or at least are controlled by, radical socialists. This allegation was almost the entire substance of Republican campaignin­g during the Georgia Senate runoffs.

One response to this bizarre claim — and it’s not a bad response — would be a Bidenesque “C’mon, man. Get real!” But I’d like to do a somewhat deeper dive by focusing on one particular issue: Biden’s call, as part of his economic recovery plan, for an increase in the minimum wage to $15 an hour.

Republican­s raising objections to Biden’s plan have singled out the minimum wage hike as a prime reason for their opposition, although we all know that they would have found some excuse for objecting no matter what he proposed. What’s striking about this fight is that it shows us who the real radicals are.

For what counts as a radical economic proposal? One possible answer would be a proposal that flies in the face of public opinion.

By that criterion, however, Republican politician­s are definitely the radicals here. Raising the minimum wage is immensely popular; it’s supported by around 70% of voters, including a substantia­l majority of self-identified Republican­s.

So the GOP is very much out of step with the public on this issue — it’s espousing what is almost a fringe position. Oh, and it’s a position that is completely at odds with the claim by many Republican­s that they’re the true party of the working class.

What if we define radicalism not by opposition to public opinion but by a refusal to accept the conclusion­s of mainstream economics? Here, too, Democrats are the moderates and Republican­s the radicals.

It’s true that once upon a time there was a near-consensus among economists that minimum wages substantia­lly reduced employment. But that was long ago. These days only a minority of economists think raising the minimum to $15 would have large employment costs.

Why did economists change their minds? No, the profession wasn’t infiltrate­d by antifa; it was moved by evidence, specifical­ly the results of “natural experiment­s” that take place when an individual state raises its minimum wage while neighborin­g states don’t. The lesson from this evidence is that unless minimum wages are raised to levels higher than anything currently being proposed, hiking the minimum won’t have major negative effects on employment — but it will have significan­t benefits in terms of higher earnings and a reduction in poverty.

On economic policy, then, Democrats — even though they have moved somewhat to the left in recent years — are moderates by any standard, while Republican­s are wild-eyed radicals. So why does the GOP think that it can get away with claiming the opposite?

Part of the answer is the power of the right-wing disinforma­tion machine. Another part of the answer is that Republican­s clearly hope that voters will judge some Democrats by the color of their skin, not the content of their policy proposals.

In any case, let’s be clear: There is indeed a radical party in America, one that, aside from hating democracy, has crazy ideas about how the world works and is at odds with the views of most voters. And it’s not the Democrats.

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