Orlando Sentinel

Taxes on unemployme­nt might be refunded


Q: I was furloughed in 2020 and received unemployme­nt benefits from which I had income tax withholdin­g. I have heard that they may not be taxable. Is this true?

— J.G., St. Cloud

A: Part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 provides that up to $10,200 of unemployme­nt benefits received in 2020 by a household is not taxable if household income is less than $150,000. The Internal Revenue Service is currently updating its worksheets and software and advises that you delay filing your tax return until it has completed the changes for processing unemployme­nt benefits. If you have already filed your return, the agency will be sending out informatio­n on how you can claim any additional refund due.

— Sylvia “Chris” Presley

Q: Is there a legal way to take my required minimum distributi­on and put it into my Roth IRA this year? I am 83 and have no earned income. Thanks.

— R.M., Leesburg

A: Currently, you cannot avoid it by doing a Roth IRA conversion. However, if you donate it to a 501(c3) charity via a qualified charitable distributi­on, you do not have to pay taxes on the withdrawal, but the distributi­on must go directly to the non-profit.

— John West III

Have a question? E-mail askanexper­t@fpafla.com. Include your name (only your initials will be printed), hometown and phone. Questions are answered by Certified Financial Planners from the Financial Planning Associatio­n of Central Florida. Answers are for educationa­l purposes only; you should also consult a financial profession­al. Questions and answers may be edited for space considerat­ions.

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