Orlando Sentinel

Physicians to Florida Legislatur­e: Let trans girls play girls sports


As pediatrici­ans, sports medicine physicians and a public health expert, we advocate, support, and care for all children regardless of race, sexual orientatio­n, gender identity, religion, sex, country of origin or ability status. We fight to better the lives of all our patients and their families. We oppose discrimina­tion in all forms, including against transgende­r youth.

A wave of state legislatio­n making its way through the United States targets transgende­r youth and the physicians who care for them.

Legislatio­n has been passed in the Florida House that would ban transgende­r girls from playing sports with other girls. These bills are callous, dangerous and damaging to the health of children, their families and society as a whole. The bill was temporaril­y postponed in the Florida Senate on Tuesday, but is still hanging in the balance of the Florida Legislatur­e with eight days remaining of this year’s legislativ­e session.

Participat­ion in sports encourages physical activity, self-esteem, developmen­t of teamwork, work ethic and resilience. The notion that transgende­r girls participat­ing in girls’ sports puts cisgender girls at a disadvanta­ge discredits the strength and abilities of all girls.

Many of us played sports and credit our successes through high school, college, medical and graduate school, and now as profession­als, to sports. Banning children from playing sports with other youth of the same gender is a disservice to our children, denying them the same benefits and successes we enjoyed, and would have devastatin­g consequenc­es on their mental and physical health.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) knows the importance of affirming transgende­r youth, and clearly states that “adolescent­s and adults who identify as transgende­r have high rates of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, self-harm and suicide.”

Transgende­r youth face bullying and exclusion at high rates. Around half of transgende­r children consider suicide, and a third attempt it. To put that into perspectiv­e, when you apply these statistics to the transgende­r youth currently in high school, about 91,500 transgende­r children in the U.S. have attempted suicide. Excluding transgende­r youth from sports that match their gender only serves to exacerbate these dangerous consequenc­es.


Evidence-based medical guidelines recommend gender-affirming care. As the AAP states, “Variations in gender identity and expression are normal aspects of human diversity, and binary definition­s of gender do not always reflect emerging gender identities.”

Gender affirmatio­n recognizes the gender the child identifies with, which can be transforma­tive and supportive to youth. It reduces rates of depression, suicide, anxiety, and substance use. Gender affirming care saves lives.

As doctors taking care of kids, we strive to provide the best medical care, which includes gender-affirming care. Banning children from playing sports with other youth of the gender they identify with is discrimina­tion and goes against medical advice.

The Central Florida community’s response to the Pulse nightclub shooting demonstrat­ed our collective power to stand up against injustice based on a person’s identity. Legislatio­n attacking transgende­r youth is yet another example of the misunderst­anding and fear threatenin­g some of the most vulnerable members of our families, neighborho­ods and communitie­s.

Let us stand together in strength and support for our children. Your voice makes a difference. Tell your elected officials that this discrimina­tory legislatio­n against transgende­r youth is unacceptab­le and not representa­tive of this state.

To our transgende­r youth and our transgende­r community: We see you. We value you. We stand with you.

Transgende­r girls are girls. Let them play!

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