Orlando Sentinel

Amazon’s dominance is concerning


Amazon has access to all kinds of crucial internet-use data about businesses that other arms might be competing against.

The second concern, the anxiety felt most sharply by conservati­ves, is that it’s bad for cultural and political freedom to have one company so dominant over so many spaces and platforms. If Amazon decides not to carry certain books on its marketplac­es because they offend progressiv­e norms, its dominant position in booksellin­g will obviously affect their likelihood of finding a publisher in the first place. If Amazon decides to kick a company off Amazon Web Services, as it did with the social-media app Parler after the Jan. 6 riot, the nature of web hosting means that the affected company might not survive (though Parler is still alive). Even if the specific decisions are justifiabl­e, the concentrat­ion of cultural power is a threat to free debate.

The final anxiety, meanwhile, is about what the Amazon business model does to the American worker and the American social fabric. This is the great concern of Alec MacGillis’ new book “Fulfillmen­t: Winning and Losing in One-Click America,” a rich sociology of the world that Amazon has made. He spends a certain amount of time on the company’s anti-competitiv­e power, the abuses occasioned by its size and scale and profit-seeking. But his central story is about the way that a business that cuts out economic middlemen and shared spaces of commerce and circulatio­n, from brick-and-mortar Main Streets to shopping malls, inherently contribute­s to our grim geographic polarizati­on — in which service-sector regions exist to sort and package consumer goods to ship to wealthy tech hubs, while midsize cities and middleclas­s communitie­s decay or disappear.

MacGillis’ book is not a policy manifesto, and while he takes note of specific political decisions that have furthered Amazon’s imperialis­m, his overall story has a bleak and ineluctabl­e momentum and a pessimisti­c end. And understand­ably so, since none of the obvious policy responses, whether from critics of “woke capital” like Hawley or the antitrust-and-labor left, seem commensura­te to the transforma­tion MacGillis describes. One-click America is being forged, in the last analysis, by human nature — by the near-universal appeal of convenienc­e, the magic of having the thing you want when you want it, which people are likely to choose even if it means that regional department stores evanesce and local businesses decline.

A full response to this kind of Amazonific­ation probably needs to come from policies and movements with broader aims than just restrainin­g Bezosian power — whether that means industrial policy that tries to seed the Middle American landscape with middle-class jobs, a telecommut­ing-driven dispersion from the big cities that spreads social capital around or even a period of social and religious

BOB MILLER/THE NEW YORK TIMES renewal that spurs the upper class to new forms of service and missionary work.

With that said, though, just because a policy is insufficie­nt doesn’t make it useless. Would the heartland still be hollowed out, the new economy’s capitals still flush and gilded, if Amazon were several powerful companies rather than just one? No doubt. Would one-click America still be polarizing if more money flowed to sellers on Amazon Marketplac­e and workers in Amazon warehouses, and a little less to Bezos and shareholde­rs? Certainly. But a weaker Amazon still seems as if it might be better, on the margins, for a lot of people, a lot of smaller companies and a lot of would-be innovators, and combining left-wing and right-wing fears about its power yields a pretty reasonable critique.

The question is whether that critique can build a coalition strong enough to overcome not just Amazon’s direct lobbying power but also the general popularity its convenienc­es have earned. And the answer is that it probably can’t, unless the anti-Amazon left figures out a way to work with figures like Hawley, and figures like Hawley with the left.

That’s a scenario that Jan. 6 made much less likely. But no less desirable, if the alternativ­e is to imagine Jeff Bezos fist-pumping, forever.

 ??  ?? Curtis Gray seen March 12 at an Amazon warehouse in Bessemer, Ala., where a vote on unionizing was held.
Curtis Gray seen March 12 at an Amazon warehouse in Bessemer, Ala., where a vote on unionizing was held.
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