Orlando Sentinel

New laws bring chills to classrooms

Educators worry over how to teach topics such as race

- By Travis Loller and Acacia Coronado

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — New measures that restrict how race is addressed in classrooms have spread confusion and anxiety among many educators, who in some cases have begun pulling books and canceling lessons for fear of being penalized.

Education officials have nixed a contempora­ry issues class in a Tennessee district, removed Frederick Douglass’ autobiogra­phy from reading lists in an Oklahoma school system and, in one Texas case, advised teachers to present “opposing” views of the Holocaust.

At least a dozen states have passed measures this year restrictin­g how schools teach about racism, sexism and other topics. While educators are waiting to see how they will be enforced, the vagueness of some of the measures, coupled with stiff penalties including potential loss of teaching licenses, already are chilling conversati­ons.

Matt Hawn, a high school social studies teacher in Tennessee, said he has heard from teachers concerned about how they will teach controvers­ial topics since he was fired himself his spring as state lawmakers were finalizing new teaching restrictio­ns.

“It’s certainly giving them caution, like, ‘What’s going to happen if I teach this?’ — because the penalty is so steep,”’ Hawn said.

Hawn was dismissed after school officials said he used materials with offensive language and failed to provide a conservati­ve viewpoint during discussion­s of white privilege in his contempora­ry issues class, which has since been eliminated.

Teaching around race and diversity has been on the rise alongside a broader acknowledg­ment that racial injustice didn’t end in America with the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Those efforts have spurred a backlash, particular­ly among Republican voters.

In Virginia, Republican Glenn Youngkin won the governor’s race this month promising to ban critical race theory, a term has become a stand-in for concepts like systemic racism and implicit bias. His Democratic opponent faced criticism for saying parents shouldn’t tell schools what to teach.

Some sections of the new laws would seem unobjectio­nable. Tennessee’s law bars the teaching that one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex. But other sections are more murky, barring teaching that promotes division or causes children to

feel psychologi­cal distress because of their race or sex.

Those vague prohibitio­ns have left teachers worried that any instructio­n on difficult topics like slavery or contempora­ry racism could be construed by parents as violating the law, said Alice O’Brien, general counsel for the National Education Associatio­n.

“These measures are problemati­c because it is unclear what they mean and very much in the eye of the beholder,” said Alice O’Brien, general counsel for the National Education Associatio­n,” she said. “I think it is worth understand­ing that every state already has pretty comprehens­ive rules in place for K-12 about what teachers have to teach. And they’re required to teach the whole history of the United States ... not just the parts that we can feel celebrator­y about.”

Some have cited the new laws in pushing to eliminate

instructio­nal material.

In Tennessee, a conservati­ve group of mothers in the Nashville suburb of Williamson County, Moms for Liberty, has challenged how schools teach the civil rights movement to second graders.

In a letter to the Department of Education, Robin Steenman complained that the texts and accompanyi­ng teachers manual imply that “people of color continue to be oppressed by an oppressive ‘angry, vicious, scary, mean, loud, violent, (rude), and (hateful)’ white population.” The books Steenman cited include “Ruby Bridges Goes to School” and “Martin Luther King Jr. and the March on Washington.”

In Oklahoma, teachers in the Edmond Public Schools said books by authors of color were struck from a list of anchor texts, around which English teachers build their curriculum. A lawsuit filed by teachers,

students and parents said the district also removed commonly taught texts by Black authors from the curriculum, including the autobiogra­phy of Frederick Douglass.

A spokespers­on for the school system, Susan ParksSchle­pp, said some reading assignment­s were made optional as part of an annual review to ensure they align with state guidelines.

In Texas, one Republican lawmaker directed a committee he chairs to seek informatio­n on the use of at least 850 books on topics ranging from racism to abortion.

State Rep. Matt Krause, who is running for state attorney general, said five Texas school districts had removed books “after receiving objections from students, parents, and taxpayers.” Two of the districts confirmed that they had received copies of the letter and were looking into the matter, but they did not comment further.

Clay Robinson, a spokespers­on for the Texas State Teachers Associatio­n, said the letter only adds to the confusion teachers have dealt with since the state passed a bill requiring educators to teach “both sides” of topics.

“Teachers are already feeling like Big Brother is looking over their shoulders,” Robinson said.

James Copland, director of legal policy at the conservati­ve Manhattan Institute, said that chilling effects are real, but that appropriat­ely tailored new laws are needed to show schools what is and isn’t appropriat­e.

He pointed to some episodes including a Cupertino, California, teacher who directed elementary school students to “deconstruc­t” their racial identities and a Philadelph­ia elementary school that had students appear on an auditorium stage with signs that read “Jail Trump” and “Black Power Matters.”

“We don’t want to chill genuine discussion and clear-minded study of history,” Copland said. But he said students should not be forced to subscribe to a set of beliefs around racism and sexism.

Derek Black, a professor of law at the University of South Carolina and the author of “Schoolhous­e Burning: Public Education and the Assault on American Democracy,” said these measures are unnecessar­y. Federal civil rights law already makes it illegal to discrimina­te in the classroom, he said.

He does not doubt that some teachers do a poor job of teaching about racism and sexism or that some parents have legitimate grievances, but said they should “get in line with the 1,001 other legitimate grievances.”

“Why is this the No. 1? Politics. That’s right. Politics,” Black said.

 ?? WADE PAYNE/AP ?? Matt Hawn was fired from a school in Tennessee after officials said he used materials with offensive language and failed to provide a conservati­ve viewpoint during discussion­s of white privilege in his contempora­ry issues class.
WADE PAYNE/AP Matt Hawn was fired from a school in Tennessee after officials said he used materials with offensive language and failed to provide a conservati­ve viewpoint during discussion­s of white privilege in his contempora­ry issues class.

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