Orlando Sentinel

Goren on Bridge

- With Bob Jones

Neither vulnerable, South deals

The variations in different bidding systems occasional­ly create a trap for the opponents. That is not the intention of the bidding system, but it is an inevitable by-product. Consider today’s deal from a recent online team competitio­n.

At one table, the bidding went as shown and West was never tempted to enter the auction. The final contract was routine, but hard to make on this lie of the cards. The defense led hearts at every opportunit­y, setting up a long heart to go with their three top tricks. Neither black-suit jack was falling, putting the contract in jeopardy. Declarer did well by playing on diamonds early and building a ninth trick. Making three for +400 was a good result for North-South.

At the other table, North-South were playing the Precision System, where a one-club opening bid would be artificial, promising at least 16 highcard points. The South player had to open one diamond. This only promised two diamonds, but it might be a hand with long diamonds also. It was not an artificial bid. When South rebid one notrump, West doubled to show at least four cards in each of the unbid suits. North redoubled and East started a run-out sequence that ended in a contract of two-diamonds doubled. A two-heart contract would have fared a trick better.

The defense led trumps at every opportunit­y and held East-West to the ace-king of diamonds and the ace of hearts. Down five for -1100 points. Their teammates were not happy to lose so heavily after their own good result.

Bob Jones welcomes readers’ responses sent in care of this newspaper or to Tribune Content Agency, LLC., 16650 Westgrove Dr., Suite 175, Addison, TX 75001. Email responses may be sent to tcaeditors@tribune.com.

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