Orlando Sentinel

The danger of banning and censoring books in Florida

- Michael Cardona was elected in 2020 to the board of the Seminole County chapter of the Democratic Hispanic Caucus of Florida.

In recent months, the state of Florida has become ground zero for an alarming assault on the free exchange of ideas. Under the autocratic leadership of Gov. Ron DeSantis, books are vanishing from libraries and classrooms throughout the state. This censorship campaign is specifical­ly targeting books written by authors of color, LGBTQ+ authors, and women. In addition, books that address topics such as racism, sexuality, gender, and history are being removed from shelves and banned.

This disturbing trend is not only an attack on the fundamenta­l principles of freedom of speech and intellectu­al inquiry, but it also represents a broader attack on diversity and inclusivit­y. By censoring books written by historical­ly marginaliz­ed groups, DeSantis is sending a clear message that their voices and experience­s are not valid or worthy of being heard. This is a particular­ly egregious form of discrimina­tion, as it deprives all Floridians of the opportunit­y to learn from a diverse range of perspectiv­es and experience­s.

It is important to recognize that the banning of books is not a new phenomenon. Throughout history, books have been banned for a variety of reasons, ranging from political censorship to moral concerns. However, the fact that this is happening in Florida, in the United States in the year 2023, is particular­ly alarming. It is a stark reminder of the fragility of our freedoms, and of the need to remain vigilant in their defense.

The censorship of books is not just an abstract concept. It has real-world consequenc­es. When we allow the government to dictate what we can and cannot read, we risk losing the ability to think critically and independen­tly. We risk becoming a society that is unable to grapple with complex ideas and uncomforta­ble truths. This is particular­ly dangerous in a world where the challenges we face are becoming increasing­ly complex and multifacet­ed.

It is time for all of us to push back against the banning of books and the intoleranc­e, exclusion, and censorship that undergird it. We must stand up for the fundamenta­l principles of free speech and intellectu­al inquiry, and we must demand that our leaders do the same. We must recognize that diversity and inclusivit­y are not just buzzwords, but essential components of a healthy and thriving democracy.

As Floridians, we have a responsibi­lity to ensure that our state remains a beacon of freedom and democracy. We must not allow the actions of a few misguided individual­s to undermine the values that have made our country great. It is time to stand up and fight for what is right, and to ensure that books, and the ideas they contain, remain freely available to all.

 ?? By Michael Cardona ??
By Michael Cardona

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