Orlando Sentinel

Ticked off! @no 24-hour pharmacies


I’m ticked off that I wasn’t a cash register salesman when all the cash registers with a built in 15% to 30% tip request came out. What an easy sale. Buy my new cash register and improve your profits by as much as 30%.

I just don’t understand the insanity of people who sit in a parking lot in their cars and run their motors for long periods of time. It’s hot enough, people. Stop making it worse. Get out of your car and go in the building already!

I’m ticked off and embarrasse­d at the idiot Neandertha­ls that yell out “Get in the hole!“after the golf pro makes a shot. I wish they would “Get in a hole“and stay there.

It ticks me off that the Orlando Magic, a team that can’t even make the playoffs, is asking for another $256 million tourist tax dollars to renovate the $500 million Amway Center. They claim the upgrade will help them get the 2027 NBA All-Star Game.

I am ticked off that the imaging office waiting room did not have sufficient seating for all the waiting patients! It is ridiculous that waiting room is huge and has plenty of room for more chairs, but people had to share chairs! My mother and I had to share and squeeze into a big chair together and wait for hours like sardines!

Why is it pharmacies close early and there are no 24 hour pharmacies? Labs and radiology centers are Monday through Friday and close at 5:00 p.m. You have to take off work to get anything done. Go to an emergency clinic or ER, leave with a prescripti­on you can’t fill. Ride in an ambulance to ER and you have no way to get home and sometimes no wallet or purse with you. Not everyone has a network of family and friends to use as go-fers and transporta­tion.

The flip side

My car battery died in a Winter Springs parking lot. Thank you to the two men who saw my hood up and came over and jumped my car. I then went and got a new battery.

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