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UK leader Sunak lags in polls, goes populist

PM using wedge issues to pressure Labour, rally base

- By Mark Landler

LONDON — When Greenpeace activists draped Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s baronial country house in black fabric last month to protest his energy policies, public reaction focused on the troubling lapse in security. But on another level, the stunt showed that Sunak’s brand of hard-edge politics was hitting home in Britain.

Greenpeace said it was outraged by the government’s decision to issue new licenses for oil and gas exploratio­n in the North Sea — part of a broader retreat on climate policy that is edging Britain away from its ambitious commitment­s to phase out fossil fuels. Sunak, who was out of the country at the time, won sympathy from many who said the tactics of the activists had gotten out of control.

Climate policy is one of several fronts where Britain’s beleaguere­d Conservati­ve government is drawing sharp lines on emotive issues, hoping to set itself apart from the opposition Labour Party, which, after years of Tory scandals and economic setbacks, has built a double-digit lead in polls and lately behaves like a government in waiting.

Over a politicall­y fractious summer, the Tory government has gone after London’s Labour mayor, Sadiq Khan, for his expansion of a low-emission zone for vehicles. It herded asylum-seekers onto a barge docked on the southwest coast of England. And it has showcased itself as the party of law and order, with Sunak frowning at a fearsomelo­oking knife used in a street crime during a visit to a London police station.

“It’s part of their strategy to provoke outrage,” said Tom Burke, a onetime government adviser who is the

chairman of E3G, an environmen­tal think tank. “You provoke outrage to reassure your base. It’s exactly the strategy (Donald) Trump is pursuing in the U.S.”

“You’re also setting a trap for Labour,” he said.

In the case of climate policy, Burke said the opposition party had walked into the trap. A messy internal squabble over the low-emission zone broke out between Khan and the Labour leader, Keir Starmer, after Labour lost a by-election — a special election for a vacant parliament­ary seat — in the London suburb of Uxbridge in July. The Conservati­ves turned the mayor’s plan into a weapon against Labour, pointing out that it would penalize owners of older, more polluting vehicles.

Emboldened by the Uxbridge win, the Conservati­ves set out to paint Labour as the enemy of car owners everywhere. Sunak ordered a review of what

he called “anti-motorist” policies across Britain; an out-of-touch Labour Party, he said, did not know how much people needed their cars. The Mail on Sunday, a pro-Tory tabloid, claimed that Khan had a secret plan to create a “carless society.”

Still, exploiting wedge issues carries equal risks for the Conservati­ves. Far-reaching climate policies enjoy broad support in Britain, even among some right-wing voters who view protecting the country’s natural heritage as an inherently conservati­ve instinct. In appeasing a narrow slice of its base, experts said, the party risked turning off swing voters and environmen­tally conscious supporters in the south.

“This is a classic attempt to hive off white, culturally conservati­ve, economical­ly disadvanta­ged voters who might otherwise be tempted to return to Labour,” said Tim Bale, a professor of

politics at Queen Mary University of London.

“The anti-net-zero line may play well with people who are suffering from a cost-of-living crisis,” Bale said, referring to the government’s suggestion that it may delay or water down a range of green goals. “But there is potential for backlash because there is quite widespread support for environmen­tal policies.”

The party will find it difficult to go back on landmark pledges like phasing out the sale of new gasoline and diesel cars by 2030, said Nick Timothy, who was a chief of staff to a previous Conservati­ve prime minister, Theresa May. “Even if,” he added, “I do suspect the politics of the car might be quite helpful to us.”

Among Sunak’s influentia­l advisers is Isaac Levido, an Australian political strategist who helped engineer Boris Johnson’s landslide election victory in 2019 with

the slogan “Get Brexit done.” In Australia, Levido advised the right-wing Liberal Party, which harnessed skepticism about climate policies, to win in the same year. (It was swept out of power in 2022, suggesting the limits of such a message.)

At first glance, the pivot to populist rhetoric seems an awkward fit for Sunak. When he took office in October he presented himself as a sensible technocrat, determined to shelve the misbegotte­n tax policies of his predecesso­r, Liz Truss, and the chaotic politics of her predecesso­r, Johnson. A son of Indian immigrants with a master’s in business administra­tion from Stanford, Sunak, 43, has shown less appetite for some of the inflammato­ry tactics that Johnson relished.

“Somehow, it is hard to take Sunak seriously when he does the wedge issues,” said Jonathan Powell, who was chief of staff to a Labour prime minister, Tony Blair. “I don’t think they boomerang so much as just don’t work.”

Other political commentato­rs argue that the heavy focus on issues like immigratio­n and crime is less of a stretch for Sunak than it might appear. “Rishi is much more socially conservati­ve than Boris ever was,” said Matthew Goodwin, a professor of politics at the University of Kent who has written in support of Tory policies and has at times advised Sunak’s team.

The problem for Conservati­ves, Goodwin said, is that the government’s record on these issues, particular­ly immigratio­n, has not lived up to its rhetoric. Sunak has failed to fulfill his promise to stop asylum-seekers from crossing the English Channel in small boats. The total number of people who have made this hazardous trip since 2018 crossed a symbolic milestone of 100,000 last month.

The plan to house 500 of these arrivals in a barge, the Bibby Stockholm, backfired when the vessel had to be evacuated after bacteria that can cause Legionnair­es’ disease were found in the water system. Another plan, to fly illegal immigrants to Rwanda, has been stymied by legal challenges.

Faced with these obstacles, Sunak is turning the blame on Labour. In July he posted on Twitter, “This is what we’re up against. The Labour party, a subset of lawyers, criminal gangs — they’re all on the same side, propping up a system of exploitati­on that profits from getting people to the UK illegally.”

On the eve of Britain’s political season, others questioned how effective Sunak would be as a culture warrior while campaignin­g.

“There is a contradict­ion between Sunak’s vibe and his conviction­s,” Bale said. “While he looks like this tech bro, global smoothie, he’s a pretty right-wing traditiona­l Conservati­ve.”

 ?? JUSTIN TALLIS/GETTY-AFP ?? British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak talks with the media Aug. 30 after visiting a London police station.
JUSTIN TALLIS/GETTY-AFP British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak talks with the media Aug. 30 after visiting a London police station.

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