Orlando Sentinel

Together, we can reclaim Florida’s public school system

- Bacardi Jackson, who is based in Miami, is the deputy legal director for children’s rights at the Southern Poverty Law Center and SPLC Action Fund and mother of three school-age children.

A free and inclusive public education system — where children feel safe from racism, bigotry, and hatred — is the bedrock of our democracy and serves as a beacon of hope, unity, and progress for all.

Unfortunat­ely, opportunis­tic politician­s and partisan advocacy groups have targeted public schools as a battlegrou­nd for their own private agendas, threatenin­g what is the foundation of our success as a modern nation.

The promise of uniform, efficient, safe, secure, high-quality, free public schools is now in peril. Florida has become ground zero for radical, anti-education zealotry. Under the pretext of “parental rights” state lawmakers, the governor and partisan organizati­ons have undertaken a highly orchestrat­ed campaign to defund, destabiliz­e and dismantle our system of public education. And, it has been working. There are now more than 7,000 teacher vacancies while books have been stripped from the shelves.

Those teachers that remain face an ultimatum to either lose their license and careers or cope with a hostile learning environmen­t. Schools themselves have become militarize­d and policed leading to an explosion in suspension­s, arrests, expulsions, and involuntar­y psychiatri­c detentions that violate children’s basic privacy rights. Instead of making schools safer through increased access to mental health resources, behavioral interventi­ons, and cultures of consent, the state of Florida has turned our schools into a battlegrou­nd.

Meanwhile, partisan extremist organizati­ons are pushing a narrative that public schools are “unfit” to teach children, even as they run for or are handpicked and placed by the governor in the school board seats and the trustee boards of Florida’s public colleges and universiti­es. Using a frenzy of false accusation­s and hysteria for political cover, the governor and his allies have put their plan into action through legislatio­n, such as The Parental Rights in Education Act (Don’t Say Gay) and the Individual Freedom Act (Stop WOKE) to censor teacher instructio­n on LGBTQ+ and Black history, civil rights, and slavery.

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and many other civil rights organizati­ons have activated to push back against the flurry of unjust and unconstitu­tional laws and policies. It’s our job to protect the civil rights of Floridians now under attack. The time is now for each of us to activate our voices and our power, not just as lawyers and advocates, but as parents, students, educators, administra­tors and members of our community.

It can be daunting to imagine taking up a fight for justice as we fight simply to feed and provide for our families. But we know there is power in the collective and in the simplicity of showing up when, where and however each of us can. If not in Tallahasse­e

as our heavily gerrymande­red Legislatur­e convenes, then at your local council, school board or board of trustees meeting. If not at the council or board meetings, at your local school. If your job and responsibi­lities keep you from getting to the schoolhous­e, send a letter, email or phone call to an elected. And, no matter what, at every opportunit­y and against whatever odds, vote. Vote to reclaim our democracy. Vote to demand our freedom. Vote to demonstrat­e our power. And, most of all, vote for Florida’s children — all of them.

 ?? ?? By Bacardi Jackson
By Bacardi Jackson

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