Orlando Sentinel

Pro-Israel stance by council draws protests


A St. Petersburg City Council meeting came to an abrupt end Thursday night after pro-Palestine chants continued following the council chairperso­n’s warning.

About 60 people showed up to demand a repeal of a resolution the council passed last week supporting the state of Israel and condemning Hamas and Iran. After two dozen speakers, a man refused to give his last name or address, a requiremen­t for public speakers to verify they live or do business in the city.

When chairperso­n Brandi Gabbard tried to stop him, he kept on, cursed at her and began a pro-Palestine chant. He was escorted out of the chambers by security.

Gabbard called a recess to the meeting and reconvened it minutes later. She told the crowd that she wanted to hear all speakers, but if there was another “outburst,” the meeting would be adjourned before council members could speak or take action, if they wanted to.

The very next speaker, at the end of her remarks, said “Free, free Palestine” and the crowd echoed her. Gabbard ended the meeting after 8 p.m.

The resolution in question was authored by council member Ed Montanari. He put forward the resolution Oct. 12 with members of the Jewish community applauding it.

The resolution was approved 6-1. Council member Richie Floyd was the sole no vote with council member John Muhammad absent.

Floyd took issue with the inclusion of Iran, saying there has been no link between Iran and Hamas in the current attacks. He said it felt like war drums were being beaten.

“I’ll support a resolution that’s written with peace and an end to violence in mind, but this resolution is not that,” he said.

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