Orlando Sentinel

Ticked off! @motorized scooters


I’m ticked off there are no rules for kids riding bikes and motorized scooters. I was taught to signal when turning left and right and to get off my bike and walk it across the crosswalk. Today’s kids zip along with zero concern for themselves or others. The other day I was driving on a neighborho­od street, a junior high girl was zipping along on her scooter, I started to pass her when she suddenly shot across the street directly in front of my car…I missed her by feet. Hey parents, if you’re going to buy your children scooters it’s your job to teach them proper instructio­n.

To the person that is ticked off at all of the planes flying over our area. I used to live in a town called Des Plaines, Illinois and I was in the landing pattern for O’Hare Airport. My advice to you would be, unless you moved there before the airport was built, stop complainin­g!

Iamso ticked off. I pay a small fortune to AT&T for my cable bundle and now all of a sudden we have lost the ability to watch WFTV, this is due to them not getting an acceptable contract renewal with this station, so no more Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune and all the shows I enjoy. I already pay a small fortune to AT&T and they better figure out a solution to this or many of us will say bye bye. AT&T is constantly raising my rates for no good reason and now when I would happily accept a small rate upcharge to continue watching WFTV they choose not to figure this out for the benefit of their loyal customers.

I am ticked off that the management company keeps running all our HOA meetings rather than the homeowners we elected to the HOA board. All they do is sit around and nod yes.

The flip side

Big thank you to the anonymous gentleman who paid our bill on Saturday night.

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