Orlando Sentinel

Ticked off! @adhesive bandages


I’m ticked off at adhesive bandages! How many times have you cut a finger or toe or whatever and found it nearly impossible to get the bandage out of its wrapper without destroying the bandage itself? Can’t bandage companies find a more simple way for the injured to get it out of the wrapper and applied to the wound without making a mess or losing a pint of blood?

I am ticked at drivers who, when stopped at red lights, leave a car length or more of space in front of them, thus making it difficult, if not impossible, for the cars behind them to get into the right and left hand turn lanes. These road hogs need to close the space in front of them so that others can get by.

When Paul Anka arrives in Melbourne for his March 14 concert at King Center, will someone please ask him what he was thinking when he sold the rights to his iconic lyrics to “My Way” for that awful, braying ColoGuard commercial? Now when I hear the real song I think of colon cancer, not Frank Sinatra’s career ups and downs.

I’m ticked off that all along I-4 the signs for the expressway, say “tolls enforced” but instead should say speeding enforced. Why in the world are troopers pulling people over daily in the express lanes for speeding and not in the aggressive driver lanes parallel to it? From my experience speed doesn’t kill because if it did our roadways would be full of crashed cars.

The flip side

I’d like to give a big thank you to “Roger” and his wife for offering to pick the lunch tabs for my brother, cousin, cousin’s friend (they had just arrived here from Nashville), and myself after Roger overheard our conversati­ons about me being a retired military vet and my brother being a retired teacher. His kindness and recognitio­n of those in the military and education service revived my faith in my fellow man. God bless him and his wife.

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