Orlando Sentinel

Where are the honest, selfless leaders?


Once upon a time there was this beautiful land known far and wide as the Land Of The Free. In this wonderful land there lived many citizens that enjoyed the benefits of this freedom and as such they were happy to perform their duty. In a ritual every four years they went forth and cast their lot for the future leader of the land.

Most of the population was divided into two clans, the Blues and the Reds. The clan leaders and the rich merchants would put forth a recommende­d choice from each clan. While the majority of each clan would choose the one from their clan, others, usually non-clan members, would sway the result based on which one they thought would be the best future leader of the Land Of The Free.

Since the year 2016, the choice of the people has come down to holding their collective noses and choosing the individual disliked least, as opposed to one they really wanted. It should be noted that holding one’s nose while completing a ballot is not the easiest of tasks.

Now it has come to pass that the people are once again distraught with their choices. The citizens want very much to choose a leader that they respect and will feel safe with, but this is not to be. They are becoming jaded and weary of being presented with a less-than-stellar choice for a future leader. It is feared that once again the people in the Land Of The Free will be compelled to vote not for the best, but the least bad.

The Land Of The Free was created, nurtured and protected through the years by strong, honest, hardworkin­g leaders who put the nation’s people before their own ambition, fortunes or pet peeves. Where are those kinds of leaders today?

Bill Andrews, Orlando

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