Orlando Sentinel

Ticked off! @spam risk calls


Receiving no less than two dozen spam risk calls daily on my landline and cellphone combined ticks me off to the point I can’t see straight. This once great nation needs to do something about this annoyance!

I’m ticked off that the networks continue to air the beady-eyed got me lawyer and all his super cheesy ads! We can say thank you Mr, Cheesy for our high auto insurance rates!

Dogs barking at passersby are alerting the owners of possible intruders. Barking at night after 10 p.m. can be a problem, but most dogs are inside then. An alert dog is a much better defense against an intruder than a firearm and immensely safer. This is essentiall­y a matter of free speech, the dog is an agent of its owner.

I can’t believe that in 2024 I can’t find a dentist that has a lift in his office for someone who can’t walk and is in a wheelchair! Even worse if the person is a senior and Medicare doesn’t have providers that will have one! Shameful.

What’s the deal with people allowing their children on the kitchen island/ counter tops? They sit up there, play up there, eat up there — it really is kind of gross — sort of like allowing cats on the surfaces you prepare meals on. Please stop.

I am ticked off that people buy attack breed dogs for pets and then run them at large (off leash) in city parks, sidewalks, and elsewhere in Orange County which has strict leash laws. These dogs are scary, often unpredicta­ble and difficult to control when on a leash or by voice. A large attack dog off leash is an accident waiting to happen. What is your problem? Attack dogs do not belong in Orange County and certainly need to be controlled at all times. Be considerat­e of others’ health and safety. Control your dog. Furthermor­e just don’t buy a scary attack breed of dog — one that is bred to maim or kill other dogs and people.

The flip side

Just a thank you to all the kind people out there. You’re appreciate­d.

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