Orlando Sentinel

Ticked off! @I-4 speed limits


I’m ticked off at the speed limit signs on I-4 through downtown Orlando. They are clearly meaningles­s to most drivers who routinely speed excessivel­y. Since the law isn’t being enforced this encourages more lawlessnes­s. Why not replace them with “Have a nice day” or “Try not to kill other drivers.”

I am ticked off that after waiting through endless morning security lines at the airport and then getting undressed for the TSA, you have to listen to a cheerful message from Mayor Buddy Dyer when you finally get to ride to your gate. He should be apologizin­g, not telling us how wonderful it is to be where we are!

I’m ticked off that there aren’t more “The flip side” entries in the ticked off column! Lighten up people.

I’m ticked off that living paycheck to paycheck seems like such a big deal now. I did it for 30 years with a spouse and three children. I also lived in the cheapest apartment I could find to live on my earnings, including very small basement apartments, and drove a four-cylinder compact car with no A/C.

I am absolutely livid at the two major hospital systems in Orlando. In the past six months, I have had close family members having major surgeries in each of them. Both times, the hospitals did not provide meals for them after the surgeries, even though the staff promised and promised to go and get them something to eat. Both people had not been able to eat for 24 hours because of the surgeries. This is completely unacceptab­le medical treatment and I hope people will keep complainin­g to the powers that be until it is taken care of.

The flip side

A big thank you to the gentleman who bought everyone’s breakfast Tuesday morning at our favorite diner in Winter Garden. Your surprise kindness touched us all. May you be blessed in a special way for making our day!

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