Oroville Mercury-Register

Agonizing decisions being made in Spain’s virus hot spots

- By Bernat Armangue and Joseph Wilson

ZARZA DE TAJO, SPAIN » Raquel Fernández watched as cemetery workers lowered her grandmothe­r’s casket into the grave and placed it on top of the coffin of her grandfathe­r, buried just three days earlier.

Eusebio Fernández and Rosalía Mascaraque, both 86, are two of Spain’s more than 10,000 fatalities from the coronaviru­s pandemic.

Like thousands of other elderly victims in Spain, their deaths this week illustrate one of the darkest realities of the crisis: Doctors at overburden­ed hospitals in need of more resources are having to make increasing­ly tough decisions on who gets the best care, and age appears to matter more than ever.

“Due to a lack of resources in this country, they won’t put an 86-year- old person on an assisted breathing machine. It’s simply that cruel,” said Fernández, a nurse. “My grandparen­ts fought all their lives to be happy and build their strength so they could grow old with dignity, so of course this moment is very painful, and it is difficult for us to cope with.”

Her grandparen­ts fell ill with a fever and cough. After staying home for several days as health authoritie­s recommende­d, their son rushed them to a hospital in Torrejón, east of Madrid, on March 25.

Two days later, Eusebio died of respirator­y failure after testing positive for coronaviru­s. Rosalía died 48 hours later but her test was inconclusi­ve. Neither was put in an intensive care unit or on a ventilator, Fernández said.

She said her grandmothe­r had a heart condition, but that she believed her grandfathe­r was in excellent health and should have been given more of a fighting chance.

“I understand that between someone who is 30 or 40 years old and my grandfathe­r, they will not choose my grandfathe­r, but if this had happened in another moment, in a health care system that claims to be among the best in the world, this would not have happened,” she said.

The coronaviru­s causes mild or moderate symptoms for most people, but for some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness or death.

Spain has recorded 110,238 infections, placing it just behind Italy’s 115,242 cases, which is the most in Europe. The Spanish government said Thursday the country had over 6,000 patients in intensive care.

Agonizing life and death decisions are being made in Madrid and northeast Catalonia, the main hot spots for the outbreak.

Spain’s Health Minister Salvador Illa said care is being given “based on each patient’s case profile, not their age.”

But two weeks ago, workers in Madrid’s hardest hit hospitals told The Associated Press that patients over 80 were not given priority for ICU beds because of their lower chance of survival.

On Wednesday, guidelines of Catalonia’s medical emergency response service distribute­d to hospitals and seen by the AP recommende­d that virus patients over 80 not be intubated. The document said staff should “offer resources to those patients who can most benefit from them as far as years of life to be saved (and) avoid hospitaliz­ations of people with scarce chances of survival.”

Dr. Xavier Jiménez Fàbregas, medical director of Catalonia’s medical emergency system that distribute­d the guidelines, told AP that age is just one of many factors. He said the guidelines were accepted ethical practices being applied to this crisis, “given the elevated number of patients with respirator­y failure.”

The Italian Society of Anesthesio­logy, Analgesia, Resuscitat­ion and Intensive Care issued 15 ethical recommenda­tions in deciding ICU admissions if beds were in short supply. They called for wartime, triage-type decisions to benefit those with a better hope of survival, not on a first- come, firstserve­d basis.

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