Oroville Mercury-Register

Removing statues does not erase history


Recently, many Americans were outraged by the removal of statues across our great country. Claims of “erasing history” often accompany these arguments. Yet this claim is fallacious. Germany no longer has statues venerating Nazi leaders, yet Germans still know their history. Proponents of Confederat­e statues argue the sites foster opportunit­y to teach people about the horrors of our country’s history. However, this too often misleads. Plaques that accompany statues, or standalone, seldom explain the dark side of the Confederac­y. A plaque in Kentucky (a Union state) honoring Jefferson Davis described the Confederat­e President a “Patriot — Hero — Statesman.” This plaque, among others, does not accurately teach our country’s history.

Additional­ly, statues are landmarks that people ought to celebrate. The Statue of Liberty, the Marine Corps War Memorial, and the Lincoln Memorial are celebrator­y representa­tions of our history. Statues of the traitorous Confederat­es should be removed and put in museums so profession­als can teach people the truth behind them.

California­ns recently were up in arms about the removal of a Christophe­r Columbus statue at the State Capital. Columbus, who never visited North America, participat­ed in the slave trade that sent

“550 Indians from Española … the slave market of Southern Spain,” according to Historian Dr. Andrés Reséndez of UC Davis. The modern-day United States was discovered years before Columbus voyaged to the Caribbean. The removal of his statue from Sacramento ought to be a no brainer.

Historians must teach the truth about our country’s history. Not statues erected decades after the Civil War.

— Jason Bohnert, Chico

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