Oroville Mercury-Register

US jobs surge: Trump sees sunshine, Biden ‘no victory yet’

- By Steve Peoples

NEW YORK » The U.S. economy just posted its best single-month job gain in history.

U.S. unemployme­nt is at one of its worst points since the Great Depression.

Both are true. As Republican­s and Democrats fought to spin Thursday’s jobs numbers to their advantage, both sides face tremendous political risks in navigating a delicate and defining issue heading into the presidenti­al campaign’s final months.

Democrats, led by presumptiv­e nominee Joe Biden, seized on the growing threat presented by coronaviru­s after the better-than-expected numbers were released, a stance the Republican­s called rooting against America’s recovery. President Donald Trump claimed a major economic victory and played down the health threat, even as an explosion of new infections threatened to stall, or even reverse, the economic gains.

Deep uncertaint­y lies ahead, experts warn, despite two months of record job growth. And with only two more monthly jobs reports expected before the Nov. 3 election, the dueling visions of America’s economy establish a new frame for the high-stakes debate ahead.

“Today’s announceme­nt proves that our economy is roaring back,” Trump exulted to reporters at the White House after the June numbers were released. He later added, “The crisis is being handled.”

Two hours later, Biden offered a darker assessment.

“There’s no victory to be celebrated,” the former vice president said in a video recorded at his home in Delaware. “We’re still down nearly 15 million jobs and the pandemic is getting worse not better.”

“Today’s report is positive news and I’m thankful for it — for real,” Biden continued. “But make no mistake, we’re still in a deep, deep job hole because Donald Trump has so badly bungled the response to coronaviru­s.”

Thursday’s data showed a surge of 4.8 million new jobs last month, a snapshot of the economy as of three weeks ago. The U.S. unemployme­nt rate improved from 13.3% in May to 11.1% in June as many Americans thrown out of work by COVID-19 were called back.

But the jobs numbers were announced just as the nation’s confirmed coronaviru­s infections soared to an all-time daily high of 50,700, more than doubling over the past month, according to the count kept by Johns Hopkins University.

The spike, centered primarily in the South and West, has led states such as California, Texas, Arizona and Florida to re-close or otherwise clamp down again on bars, restaurant­s, movie theaters, beaches and swimming pools, throwing some workers out of jobs for a second time. Those losses will show up in next month’s government unemployme­nt report.

The president’s strongest ratings center on the economy, as has been the case throughout his tenure. About half of Americans say they approve of Trump’s handling of the economy, according to a poll released last month from The Associated PressNORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Justin Wolfers, a professor of economics and public policy at the University of Michigan, said that Thursday’s numbers confirmed that the economy is in “slightly less” of a “dreadful economic hole.”

“You just look out the window and you know things are grim,” he said. “The first, second and third most important things for the economy right now are the progress of the disease.”

 ?? EVAN VUCCI — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? President Donald Trump swings a baseball bat during the Spirit of America Showcase at the White House in Washington on Thursday.
EVAN VUCCI — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS President Donald Trump swings a baseball bat during the Spirit of America Showcase at the White House in Washington on Thursday.

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