Oroville Mercury-Register

Time to shut up and play ball Suggested passages for our congressma­n


Time was I was a big fan of the Giants. I attended many, many dozens of games, learned how to keep score, knew the name of every player and most of their batting averages. I bet I collected a dozen Major League baseballs that I caught as foul balls or during batting practice. After the games I picked up seat cushions to earn a free ticket to the bleachers for a future game. On summer visits to my grandparen­ts in Kentucky, my grandfathe­r and I would stay up until 2 a.m. listening to his transistor radio when the Reds, his favorite team, played the Giants at home. ( The Hall of Fame should take a vote on Pete Rose.)

Still today I’ll watch old YouTube videos of a perfect throw from the outfield to tag out a runner at home plate, or a well- executed hidden ball trick, or, coolest of all, an unassisted triple play. Other than the vids, I have lost almost all interest in baseball except for watching the World Series and that only because it’s part of the American experience.

What with moving the All- Star Game as a sop to the bullies of the cancel culture, or players kneeling in coerced protest, or other onfield political gestures such as wearing a shoulder patch to celebrate some hero, or heroine, of the mightily selfrighte­ous social justice warriors, MLB® Inc. has stolen a joy of my life.

How about this Major League Baseball: just shut up and “Play ball!”

— EJ Donmoyer, Paradise

I am glad that Congressma­n LaMalfa is proactive in introducin­g legislatio­n to regulate private businesses. The bill he introduced would prohibit private businesses from requiring vaccine passports. I suggest an amendment to also prohibit signs in restaurant­s that say no shoes no shirt no service. I believe that LaMalfa is a Bible believing person. I refer him to Leviticus 13:45- 46. Where were legislator­s like him in Biblical times? Also he might read Ecclesiast­es 1:9.

— Hendrik Feenstra,


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