Oroville Mercury-Register

There’s something happening here …


When I first saw the picture of Doug LaMalfa and James Gallagher on the front page of the E-R, I thought they were finally going to recognize the role of man-made global warming as a contributo­r to our local fires and drought. Nope. Then I thought maybe they are apologizin­g for their fellow conservati­ves not getting vaccinated and causing a resurgence of COVID. Nope. Okay, it must be they are finally going to say Trump was a danger to our democracy after lying about the election, pressuring election officials to “find votes”, and watching his followers beat Capitol police officers while trying to overturn the election. Nope, like most republican­s they would rather debase themselves than stand up to Trump. Instead, they complained about water management at Lake Oroville. Point taken, but aren’t there a couple of local Republican­s that care about water management AND protecting the Constituti­on who would like to run against these two dangerous fools?

— Robert Rhody, Chico

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