Oroville Mercury-Register

Go to the source on local groundwate­r


The Agricultur­al Groundwate­r Users of Butte County (AGUBC) are Huffing and Puffing to get control of your groundwate­r via the formation of the proposed Tuscan Water District (TWD). If you live west of the 99 freeway know that the large landowners are paying $2,500 to join this secretive private organizati­on AGUBC. The controllin­g interest in the proposed TWD will belong to out of county and out of state corporatio­ns.

You are being conned by the AGUBC which is nothing more than a wolf in grandma’s cloths. They are inviting small farmers and other residentia­l well users to have dinner with them, and they will destroy you if you endorse them and eventually vote for their proposed secret organizati­on. Beware, they only want total control over your groundwate­r for themselves. Go to the only sheriff in town at “Butte Water Watch.org” for the truth. — John Scott, Butte Valley

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