Oroville Mercury-Register

Recall an end run around electoral process


Democrats — don’t sit this one out!

Nothing Gavin Newsom has or hasn’t done warrants a recall. Policy difference­s should be addressed during regular primaries and elections. This recall is a cynical, undemocrat­ic end run around the electoral process by those whose policies have little chance of winning a majority of the state’s votes.

In confrontin­g the COVID-19 pandemic, Newsom took bold steps early on, consistent with public health guidance, to change the course of the pandemic in the state. He has worked to address the state’s other daunting challenges, including wildfires, homelessne­ss, climate change, and now the evolving pandemic — challenges not of his making, by the way. He has recognized the role of human-caused climate change in our increasing wildfires and has implemente­d policies to curtail greenhouse gas emissions.

The candidates to replace Newsom in the recall are untested and unprepared to lead the state. If the recall passed, the new governor could be elected with only a small plurality of votes. A new governor could roll back environmen­tal protection­s and would have the power to appoint judges, state regulators, and a member of Congress if a vacancy occurs. A new governor elected by a minority of the state’s voters could undermine values important to many of us and a majority of California­ns, including environmen­tal protection and a social safety net.

VOTE NO on the recall and mail in or drop off your ballot today.

— Chris Mueller, Chico

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