Oroville Mercury-Register

Continuing to trust all the wrong sources


My stepson said he isn’t getting vaccinated because he heard, sometime ago … well, a long time ago, that it might be bad, but has forgotten exactly what was said, but it was a doctor who said it, he’s petty sure a medical doctor, and can’t remember exactly what this doctor said, but it was bad, and this doctor was convincing, and said lots of things might be bad about being vaccinated, and he remembers this clearly … that it was bad, and although he can’t remember what was said, or who said it, he is pretty sure it is bad to get vaccinated. Maybe it was Facebook? Regardless … he is convinced.

Do you know anyone like this?

It would be interestin­g

(and laughable) to find out if this mystery “no-vax YouTube (or Facebook) doctor” has changed their tune, and today is wisely vaccinated!

IMPORTANT: I call upon local MDs to chime (to the ER letters department) about the percentage of local medical doctors that are now vaccinated … and the number of vaccinated people on oxygen in the hospital.

— Ron Imhoff, Chico

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